Term 2 Week 8

Hi everyone,


  • 24-Hour Time: I introduced the concept of 24-hour time and taught students how to convert between 12-hour and 24-hour formats.
  • Perfect Day Activity: Students created their ideal day using 24-hour time.
  • Review: We revisited key topics such as operations, factors, and fractions.
  • Been focusing on 3D shapes where students have received nets and are required to construct the 3D shapes to develop a city.


  • Adaptations: Our focus has been on the structural and functional adaptations of animals.
  • Assessment: Students completed a questionnaire to evaluate their understanding of the topic.
  • Interactive Learning: They then created their own questionnaires on adaptations and quizzed their classmates.


  • Family Influences: We explored how family influences affect our decisions and daily lives.
  • Scenarios and Reflections: Students read through various scenarios and wrote reflections on how family impacts their choices.

Writers Workshop

  • Creative Writing: Students used their writer’s notebooks to brainstorm and develop narrative stories.
  • Book Making: They turned their stories into books, engaging in a process we call “book making.”


Caritas Romita: We studied a woman from Caritas Romita. Students researched her life, then filmed a 2-minute video in the green screen room, comparing their lives with hers.

Technologies / Art

  • Spring Fair: We’re preparing for the Spring Fair! Students are competing to design the best banner for the event.
  • Banner Design: Using iPads, they created banner templates, working independently or in groups to showcase their designs for the fair.

Hope you all had a great week!


Miss Pulizzi

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