Hi families of 5KF,

Please send students in Year 5 to school with their personal headphones next Tuesday the 27th of February for their practice NAPLAN test.

Unfortunately, these headphones must be wired, not Bluetooth connected, as they can interfere with the network. If you do not have headphones, do not purchase them, the school can provide them for students, however, there is only a limited supply.

The headphones can be left at school to prepare them for the real NAPLAN test on March 13th.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at

Below are the NAPLAN test dates:

  • Writing – 13th March 2024
  • Reading – 14th March 2024
  • Conventions of Language – 18th March 2024
  • Numeracy – 19th March 2024


Information re teacher emails, camp and sports carnivals

Good morning all,

Further to last nights Parent Information Evening, please see below emails for Mr Flanigan and myself, as well as the Yr 5/6 camps dates and the information from the PE teachers about the upcoming sports carnivals.

YEAR 5/6 CAMP: 29th-31st July, Term 3 at Mylor Adventure Camp (more information to come closer to the date)


Dear Parents,

An integral part of our PE program is offering participation in sporting carnivals throughout the year. These carnivals are generally available for students from Year 3-6. Some carnivals are competitive, and others are participation events. The carnivals are a wonderful opportunity for children to represent the school and to meet/ compete against students from other schools.
Outlined below are carnivals offered each term and the proposed dates.
Participation in each event is determined by the number of students interested and the availability of parents to act as supervisors. So, we encourage that parents to get their police checks and to update them if necessary.

SACPSSA Swimming: Wednesday, April 3rd SA Aquatics Centre

Term 2:
Northern Schools Soccer /Netball Thursday May 25th
Basketball TBA
Football Thursday June 27th
Netball   Monday 1st -Thursday 4th July (day to be confirmed)
Knockout  Soccer TBA (selected year 6 students)

Term 3:
Cross Country Wednesday, August 7th
Touch Football Tuesday 3th- 6th September (day to be confirmed)
T.Ball Thursday 26th September Year 3-5

Term 4
Tennis Thursday, 14th November Year 3/4
Athletics Friday 1st November

Claudia Pisani and Leanne Cooymans

Shared lunch – Friday 9 February 2024

As part of the schools Vietnamese and Chinese New Year celebrations, 6LF and 5KF are having a class shared lunch, this Friday 9 February.

Students are encouraged to bring in a plate of food to share from their culture or a food they love to eat, to share with the classes.

As we are a nut free school, please do not include nuts of any type in the meals.

If you are cooking the food yourself, could you please attach a list of the ingredients to the plate.

We look forward to celebrating this special event together.