
Hi families/caregivers,

On a personal note, I received lots of happy birthday messages today, along with snacks, cards, brownies, and a few very special boats. While this was a delightful surprise and completely unnecessary, I truly appreciate the thoughtfulness. Thank you!

Cassundra and I were only discussing after school the generosity, kindness, and effort that we’ve seen from our families this year in supporting the school, students, and us as teachers. It is a testament to the values you have instilled in the students, and for that again, thank you!

On a far more important matter, we want to acknowledge those celebrating at home over the coming days.. both Cassundra and myself wanted to wish a happy Diwali to families and friends celebrating tonight and in the coming days. We hope it is a special occasion.

kind regards,


Luke and Cassundra

5/6 camp

Hi families/caregivers,

We just wanted to give a heads up regarding camp. The first 2 days have been full of adventure and laughter.. with students involved in activities such as archery, giant swing, fresh water life, raft making in the pool, and a low ropes activity course.

we also completed a night walk and karaoke session on night one, with a movie night happening as I write this.

The students have shown teamwork, friendship, hardwork and an enormous amount of resilience in working through the activities to their own personal levels of success.

We are both very proud of each of them and our only disappointment is that parents and families are unable to experience some of these enormous achievements first hand.

Photos will be made available to the students on Thursday for them to bring home to families.

kind regards,


Luke and Cassundra


Welcome back

Hi Families/caregivers of 5KH and 6 LF,

Welcome back to the new school year at Holy Family!

We are very thankful for the families who were able to pop in today for a chat about the classrooms/learning environment for the year. For those who were unable to pop in today, if we haven’t yet met…we look forward to this happening over the coming days and working with you this year to support the students.

We are excited to be entering 2024 filled with anticipation for all that the students will bring to our classrooms this year.

Some important information:
1. P.e lessons are on a Tuesday (students will have p.e tomorrow)
2. Our assembly is in week 2 (Friday)
3. The learning information night is TBC (however, we invite you to attend if available for any questions)
4. Members of 6LF please sign up to the class dojo link that was sent out (translations available on the app)

If you ever have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact us or pop in for a chat:


Kind regards,

Luke Flanigan and Karen Frear