Hi families,
For the past week we have had a strong focus on the 4 operations in mathematics. So far we have had a look at addition, subtraction and multiplication. We will be delving into division as the week continues.
I thought this would be a good opportunity to share our maths PowerPoint presentation with you as this is something that can easily be continued and practiced at home. In the presentation I have included different strategies for the children to use when working out their sums. This is a big focus in our number talks which involves having multiple ways of working out one question. We also put a strong emphasis on the children being able to justify their answers and tell me exactly what they did and why they did it.
You will be able to find a copy of this on your child’s laptop.
Alternatively you can also access the presentation here:
Maths T1 W1 2024
Apologies as some of my arrows and numbers have moved slightly when converting into PDF!
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Kate Holmes