5KH – end of term shared lunch!

Hi families of 5KH,


This Thursday we will be having a shared lunch to celebrate our hard work this semester!

I have told your child to bring either a savoury or sweet food but to keep in mind we are a nut free school and to be wary that we have an egg allergy in our class as well.

If you plan to bring something in that is homemade can I please ask that you list all ingredients.


Thank you for your cooperation!


Kate Holmes

Year 5 teacher

Mother’s Day

Hi families of 5KH & 6EB,


This Friday there will be a Mother’s Day stall for children to purchase gifts.

This will be cash only and prices range from $1 – $10.


There will also be a Mother’s Day liturgy next Monday at 9AM.  I have attached the information to this post.


Kind regards,

Kate Holmes & Elyshia Blackley



Hi families of 5KH,

Please send students in Year 3 and 5 to school with their personal headphones next Tuesday the 27th of February for their practice NAPLAN test. Unfortunately, these headphones must be wired, not Bluetooth connected, as they can interfere with the network. If you do not have headphones, do not purchase them, the school can provide them for students, however, there is only a limited supply. These can be left at school to prepare them for the real NAPLAN test on March 13th. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at kate.holmes@holyfamily.catholic.edu.au

Below are the NAPLAN test dates:

  • Writing – 13th March 2024
  • Reading – 14th March 2024
  • Conventions of Language – 18th March 2024
  • Numeracy – 19th March 2024

Kind regards,

Kate Holmes

Mathematics in Year 5!

Hi families,


For the past week we have had a strong focus on the 4 operations in mathematics. So far we have had a look at addition, subtraction and multiplication. We will be delving into division as the week continues.


I thought this would be a good opportunity to share our maths PowerPoint presentation with you as this is something that can easily be continued and practiced at home. In the presentation I have included different strategies for the children to use when working out their sums. This is a big focus in our number talks which involves having multiple ways of working out one question. We also put a strong emphasis on the children being able to justify their answers and tell me exactly what they did and why they did it.


You will be able to find a copy of this on your child’s laptop.

Alternatively you can also access the presentation here:



Maths T1 W1 2024

Apologies as some of my arrows and numbers have moved slightly when converting into PDF!

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Kind regards,

Kate Holmes
