Week 7 Study List with Work Examples

Hi families,

Attached is the study list for Week 7. Please ensure all work in the overdue is completed. Below are examples of student work of the tasks. For must do and may do, if students were away, they are not expected to complete the work.

Reader’s – Boy Overboard Character Traits

Science – Erosion Poster

Religion – Mary Mosaic

HASS – Travel Itinerary

Kind regards,

Thao Nguyen

Shared Lunch and 5TN Assembly

Hi Families,

Next Thursday, September 12th, 5TN will be hosting our buddy assembly to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. We warmly welcome families to join us in the hall, with the assembly beginning at 9:00 am.

Following the assembly, our double class (5TN and 6NB) will enjoy a shared lunch.

Details for the Shared Lunch:

  • When: 12:00 pm, Thursday, September 12th
  • Where: Our classroom, Room 23 and Room 24
  • What to Bring: We kindly ask each child to bring a plate of food to share with the class. It can be savoury or sweet, and we encourage dishes that celebrate the cultural diversity of our classroom community.

Important Reminders:

  • Please label any dishes containing meat, egg, or sesame, as some students in our double class have dietary restrictions and allergies.
  • Ensure any plate or Tupperware container is clearly marked with your child’s name for easy return.
  • Food items cannot be warmed up or cut at school, so please ensure they are pre-prepared. Alternately if you decide to drop off hot food items, please do so at the front office.
  • In line with Holy Family’s policy, please avoid any nut products in the food you bring.
  • Plates and cutlery will be provided in class.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email myself  thao.nguyen@holyfamily.catholic.edu.au

Kind regards,

Thao Nguyen

Week 5 & 6 Important Dates

Hi Families,

Please note these important dates for the next two weeks.

Week 5

  • Thursday Book Week Parade (22nd August)
  • Friday Pupil Free Day (No OSHC) (23rd August)

Week 6

  • Wednesday School photos (28th August)
  • Wednesday Festival Choir Excursion (28th August)
  • Friday Father’s Day stall (30th August)

School Photos

School Photos will be taken on Wednesday 28 August (week 6, term 3). Please ensure that photo order forms are sent to the front office.

Envelopes to order Family Photos are available from the front office with family photos taken first from 8.30am.  We also have spare envelopes at the front office if any student needs a replacement one.

Please note that payment for both student photo and family photo order can be made online or cash.

Please remind students in Reception – Year 6 to wear winter uniform (not PE uniform) for school photos.

Festival Choir Students

Children participating in Festival Choir have an excursion scheduled for Wednesday 28 August.  If the excursion participants have not returned from the excursion before the photographers have finished on the day, it will be done on Tuesday 3 September.

Kind regards,

Thao Nguyen and Nicholas Bartold

Colour Run 2024

Hi families,

A note went home tonight for the colour run which will take place on Thursday the 26th of September. Students are to come to school in their usual school uniform and bring a white shirt to wear when participating. The aim is to raise money, with prizes up for grabs, based on the targets reached. Visit https://australianfundraising.com.au/ for more information

EVERY STUDENT, in every school (regardless of how much they raise) receives FREE UV400 sunglasses and FREE rainbow headbands.

We will send out more information closer to the date.

Kind regards,

Thao Nguyen & Nicholas Bartold