Our First Blog Post – Welcome to Alive ELC Blog

Monday 24th June 2019

Welcome to this week at ELC. We had a wonderful day of exploration, learning and friendship.


We began our day with group time. We welcomed and said good morning to each other by singing ‘We Wonder What Your Name Is?’ This is a wonderful way to build belonging as children learn each other’s names and take the time to greet one another.

Following, we engaged in prayer. We read the creation story and shared our thoughts about why God is special.

Tesi:He wanted to make all the animals.

Omelia:God has got hair.

William:God has a big beard and a big tummy.

Joel:He is a giant and he has a parrot and he made beaks.

We then talked about how God created all of us and because God is special, we are very special too. The question was then asked, what is special about you?

Joel:I’m old

Xavier:I special.

Omelia:I go to a party yesterday.

Tesi:My mum help me cook eggs.

Ivy:I had a birthday.

William:I make my car a big track and they go super fast.

Arabella:I got toys.


The children explored a range of provocations indoors and outdoors, including:

  • Dress ups on the stage
  • Playing musical instruments
  • Taking care of the babies
  • Building in the sandpit
  • An obstacle course with hurdles, hoops and accuracy throwing on the grass
  • Puzzles
  • Building with Lego
  • Creating with magnetic shapes
  • Home corner
  • Reading books
  • Imaginative play with cars and trucks
  • Block play


We read the story ‘Have You Filled A Bucket Today?’ by Carol McCloud. We all carry an invisible bucket. When we feel happy and joyful, our bucket is full. When we are sad and lonely, our bucket is empty. We can fill our bucket in many ways. Other people can fill our bucket and we can fill their’s too by being kind, sharing, giving positive comments, smiling, etc. We also fill our own buckets when we do things to fill up other people’s buckets.

We shared how our buckets have been filled today.

William: “Cierra read me a book”.

Eaman: “Share trucks with Xavier”.

Ivy: “I share something with Tesi”.

Omelia: “Tesi bring me a bucket in the sandpit”.

Tesi: “My mum help me get my knee better”.

Arabella: “Alexander came and see me”.

Williams: “Using the excavator. I fill my own bucket”.


Following lunch, we practiced calming and restoring our mind and body with mindfulness. We practiced a breathing technique called ‘Rainbow Breath’ and also listened to some relaxation music.



This afternoon we visited the school’s fish farm. We were met by Simon, a volunteer who works in the school’s fish farm ‘Kuyangani’ and MUDLA (Multi Disciplinary Learning Area). Simon showed us different species of fish including Barramundi and Silver Perch as well as crustaceans such as Yabbies and Marron. Some of us held a baby Yabby and we also fed the large goldfish.



We ended our day by playing a cooperative game ‘Doggy, Doggy, Who’s Got Your Bone?’. We loved singing and pretending to be the dog. We practiced taking turns, listening and sharing.

Finally, we shared the best part of our day – our ‘specks of gold’.

William:Everything and the fish farm.

Williams:Playing with the dump truck and excavator

Xavier: the music

Eamann:dump truck and ‘brrrmm brrrmm’

Omelia: Tesi helped me the sand

Tesi: Making new friends

Arabella:Everything. I like mummy and toys.



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