4RG Excursion

On the 25th of may my class and two other classes went on a Excursion.At 9:05 the bus came and our class and the other two classes REQ and REF. Then we sat on the bus and the went to the city, I sat with my friend Aditi . It toke us about half an hour to go. We were going to the South Australia Museum.Our class and REQ and REF were splatted into two groups. I was in Mrs. Feher’s group and Aditi was in that group to. In the Museum there was lots of Aboriginal stuff like, there weapons, games and all other stuff. With Mrs. Feher we went to the second floor, after we had looked at the first floor we went to the second floor. Then my class and the other two classes wen to the Botanic Gardens and had lunch under a tent. When we finished lunch we played around for lots of time . When the bus came we sat in the bus and went back school and again I sat with Aditi and Emily to. After we had reached school my class went our class room an the other two classes went to there class room’s.We had mediation for sometime. When the bell went we went home

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