My Holiday Recount

In the holidays my friend Sukhleen came to my house for four sleepovers. We had lots of fun. At night time we slept at 1:00 because we had a party and the party’s name was Summer Party. At at 12:00 we watched movies,cartoons and stuff like that so we. Sometimes we went to sleep at 2:0o.

My brother didn’t let me and Sukhleen sleep together and night because we night he wanted to sleep with us, so my dad had an idea that we will let my brother sleep with us but when his is a sleep he will pick him up and take him to his bedroom.

In the day time me, Sukhleen and my brother played in the trampoline or watched TV. I had colouring pages so me and Sukhleen coloured a lot and my brother watched TV when we colourd.

Term 3 Goals

My Term 3 goal is to get better at writing because when I write I should be able to read it and I can, but I need to get better because the other people who will read my book or anything I write they should be able to understand it.

My Term 3 goal is to read better because I would read and home loudly so if I get mixed up I can re-read it so it can make sense.