Anshika’s Holiday Recount

Every holiday my friend Sukhleen normally comes to our house. On Saturday the last week of school, she came over and we played together, we ate ice-cream and had fun. We played outside of the trampoline. We played a game called Twister that I, Sulkhleen and my brother loved.

I also went to my friend’s house, Riya. We did gymnastics and played on the bars that she had at her house. We played zombies, and with the toy guns.

During my holidays, I played with my brother and just stayed home. In the mornings,  I always went to sleep with my brother because he normally cried when sleeping by himself. He sometimes told me to get the laptop and watch cartoons. I normally woke up late when I slept with my brother in the mornings.

In the holidays my family and I did something unique, we have an Indian festival that is called Navaratri, in that festival, we don’t eat meat or any eggs. We pray to God every day we have the festival going on for at least 9 days.

My holidays were fun even if I just went to I place and just played with my brother. Overall, I think that I had the best time with my family and my friends.



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