The Bigger Picture

Sometimes, when Sports Coaches are appointed to a sporting club, reporters first question to them is what direction are you hoping to take the club and what game style will you introduce to your team. For Jesus, there were no journalists but it was preparation that was the cornerstone about to embark on his mission. This he did by walking into the wilderness for forty days and nights without food and water and rejecting the temptations of the devil. Furthermore, the real test is for the Sporting Coaches game plan and for Jesus’s mission how it was going to cope under scrutiny.

 The first step smart Sporting Coaches do and Jesus did was handpick a loyal and trustworthy group of people to support them in their quest.  The people they have chosen have to believe in the vision that has been devised otherwise if they stray from that cracks begin to appear and those opposed to those ideals will pounce. Thus, in times of adversity you will need your supporters to stay true to the game plan or the mission to prevent what you have from falling apart.

 The second step is for coaches as Jesus did clearly communicate your vision to your key stakeholders and supporters. If you are a coach by clearly articulating your team’s game plan or as Jesus did with his teachings and miracles you are sharing your vision and offering it to others to accept the opportunity to play a role in that team’s success or continue Christ’s mission.

 The final step is for the Coaches and Jesus to be a catalyst for change for their team and mission respectively. Therefore, making it clearly apparent that the Coaches game plan and Jesus’s teachings have brought new ideas and innovations to how the team plays or what we can do to bring us closer to God living in harmony with all people throughout the world. Finally, although the Coaches team and Jesus’s first followers have moved on what both the Coach and Jesus did was leave a legacy that will pass on from generation to generation.



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