Trusting in the Faith Journey

In Mark 5:24-34 Jesus heals a woman who had been suffering from haemorrhages for 12 years. She had endured much under many physicians but instead of getting better had become worse. Then when she heard about Jesus she believed if she just touched his cloak, she would be healed. So, my initial thought is what inner belief drove the woman to deem that Jesus could heal her?

 I would consider as we know she had tried different physicians and that had not proved successful in fact her debilitating illness had deteriorated. Therefore, she surmised that Jesus was her last chance having heard stories from people that he cured several sick people through his ministry. Hence, it was now a matter of backing her belief and trusting that Jesus could heal her. Furthermore, this was no easy task. She had to battle through a large crowd and also, saw that Jesus was preoccupied with a man called Jairus pleading for him to heal his little daughter. Thus, she had to have the courage to persist and overcome these obstacles when she could have easily walked away and given up. So, her solution was to come up behind him in the crowd and feel his clothes. I wonder how often I fail to persist when there are barriers in my way. Moreover, I need to follow the woman’s lead and put my trust in Jesus.

 Consequently, the woman’s faith was rewarded. “Immediately, aware that the power had gone from him Jesus turned around and said, “Who touched his clothes.? But the woman knowing what had happened to her, came in fear, fell down before Jesus and told him the whole truth. Jesus, said daughter your faith has made you well go in peace.” Mark 5:33-34 I think this gospel passage is particularly powerful in inviting us to trust in Jesus and turn to him when we are facing difficult challenges in our lives. Additionally, there is the offer that this faith will be rewarded if we continue to acknowledge Jesus’ presence in our lives.

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