Weekly Blog Term 1 week 4,2024

Nina Marni to all our Holy Family ‘s children and families and welcome to our weekly blog.

It is joy to see that children establish strong, respectful relationship with educators and peers.Evidently ,children are becoming more comfortable and confident within Holy Family Early Learning.

Learning Intention 1

To challenge children’s construction skill ,discover their own interest ,abilities and limitations and explore their ideas ,creativity ,imagination and STEM Experiences (continuation from last week )

  • Educators observed and reflected on children’s interest about construction.
  • STEM education in early childhood allows children to begin to learn and retain a knowledge base that they can build on as they get older. 
  • ‘Loose Parts Play’ develop a sense of independence as children have the freedom to explore different materials autonomously.
  • Loose parts Play encouraging language development as children communicate their ideas and knowledge with their peers, educators and parents.
  • It builds a creative thinking, problem-solving, curiosity and abstract thinking skills as children explore the materials and discover new ways of playing with them.
  • It enhances fine motor skills as children pick up, hold and manipulate loose parts materials in multiple ways.
  • Construction play helps children to collaborating, sharing and belonging as children interact with each other’s to complete the task.
  • Block play Increases gross motor skills as children move and transfer their creations and use them in further imaginative play.

Educator scaffolded learning:

  • Support children to engage in and persevere at tasks and play. 
  • Educators will act as ‘stagehands’ by providing loose parts for dramatic play. 
  • Provide resources for building. 
  • Provide space, time, freedom to children for dance, make music and explore art inside and out.
  • Shared reading experiences with books about books and construction. 
  • Sensory-based loose parts play set up by allowing children to touch, feel and smell with fabrics, papers, leaves, plants, timbers and different textures sand, dirt, flour, and water both indoors and outdoors scented play dough.

Environment as the Third Teacher:

Children will be provided with ample opportunities to engage in loose parts play – using both natural and human made materials. 

  • Creating space and opportunities for unstructured play
  • Provide a range of active and restful experiences throughout the day and support children to make appropriate decisions regarding participation.
  • Regular community walks 
  • Creation of a loose parts construction area – including material, blocks, natural materials, joining technique etc.
  • Visiting Log Park with the intention of constructing using the logs- brainstorm before the visit. linking to growth mindset learning intention by discussing the vast possibilities and what we can achieve.

                                                                                  Learning Intention 2:

                             To support children to recognise and regulate their emotional states (Continuation from week 4)


  • We believe that each child will react differently in similar situations.
  • Supporting children to understand and manage their own feelings, thoughts and behaviour.
  • It is important that a responsive approach to individual child is provided rather than expecting or directing behaviour.
  • To support children to understand and manage their own feelings, thoughts and behaviour.
  • To support children in building a strong sense of well-being.
  • To remain accessible to others at time of distress, confusion and frustration.
  • A strong sense of wellbeing provides children with confidence and optimism which maximise their learning potential. 
  • To encourage the development of children’s innate exploratory drive, a sense of agency and a desire to interact with others. 
  • Supporting children to develop the capacity to understand, self-regulate and manage their emotions in ways that reflect the feelings and needs of others.

Educator scaffolded learning:

  • Talk with children about their needs and discomfort.
  • Value children’s personal decision making.
  • During small group times, educator will discuss about their emotions and responses.
  • Finish self-portraits and display in the room. 
  • Request and display images of families to develop a connection and bridge the gap between home and LDC 
  • Guided breathing practices will be implemented daily for children. This will support children

Environment as the Third Teacher:

  • Creating space and opportunities for unstructured play
  • Provide a range of active and restful experiences throughout the day and support children to make appropriate decisions regarding participation.
  • Regular community walks 
  • Dramatic play spaces so children develop their formation of relationships emotional and social skills.

We introduced Tapping sticks to our children and they loved it. It enhances the development of auditory skills, fine motor skills, sense of rhythm, body awareness and coordination of mind and body in children.

Community walks to the log park, MUDLA and vegetable garden support children’s sense of community. This experiences created space and opportunities for unstructured play .

We truly love being outside and here at Holy Family we advocate for learning and playing outside for children’s learning is essential. 

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