Week 5 – Term 1 Preschool Learning Reflection 2024

Nina Marni preschool children and families. welcome to our weekly blog.

Children are continuing to investigate their environment and express their emerging curiosity.

This week in preschool we have been focusing on supporting each child to deepen their understanding of measurement. Such as encouraging children to use comparative language such as big, medium and small, as well as the terms bigger and smaller. We have done this through a range of experiences using scales with different objects to measure the weight, through everyday conversations, when going to MUDLA and discussing and comparing the sizes of the animals. As well as comparing plants, leaves and gum nuts found outside.

Furthermore, we have been continuing our inquiry of insects. Children are curious about the insects that they find and have many conversations about them with their peers and teachers. Children also engage with the inquiry insect table inside the preschool, we have also been engaging in art experiences relating to insects where children paint an insect.

We have continued with our book making journey, this week children engaged in creating their own books. At group times teachers showed children images of authors and read them books. Here, the children were able to see who writes books and make the connection that they can write books as well. We also created a preschool letter box. This allows children to make letters using an envelope and a piece of paper to someone of their choosing. Once they have made their letter they place it in the letter box and we deliver them at group time.

This week, we went to MUDLA. The children were confident and curious learners where they looked at the fish and compared the size of the fish. The children were interested in the animals in MUDLA and were curious about the animals and what they were called.

In preschool, we have also be engaging in a range of play indoors and outdoors. Including pretend play in the kitchen, construction play, balancing, finding insects, reading stories and playing in the sandpit.


  • Inquiry project – Bug identification. Use picture books, flash cards, bug identification chart. Discuss about different types of bugs and insects, such as ladybugs, butterflies, bees, and ants. Painting and creation of bugs at the art table.
  • Continue to support each child to deepen their emergent literacy skills, aligning with their individual developmental stage, interest, and dispositions. Support children with book making and letter making.
  • Wellbeing and health – support children to regulate their emotions

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