Week 11 – Term 1 Preschool Learning Reflection 2024

Nina Marni everyone ! Welcome to our weekly blog 🙂

Apologies if you cannot see your child in this weeks blog, as we have had issues with the iPads. Thank you for your understanding.

Children are continuing to investigate their environment and express their emerging curiosity.

This week our first learning spotlight was a numeracy focus, we aimed to further support each child to deepen their understanding of different shapes by using a range of familiar materials around the environment and to support children identify shapes within their environment.

We did this to support children to:

  • Identify different shapes.
  • Sort, describe and name shapes in the environment. 
  • Notice that objects in the environment have shape like properties. 
  • Understand properties of shapes such as face, edge and corner

Our second learning intention was to develop our preschool family tree to further develop children’s connection with the preschool and deepen their feeling of belonging. 

We did this to:

  • Support children to gain a further understanding of family, and the difference each family have. 
  • Share information about their family, culture, home languages and aspects that make them unique
  • Support children to understand that each family is unique.
  • Support childrens communication about famiy

The children were supported to create tree branches and leaves to add to the family tree.

The children also engaged in book making outdoors. Children went in to the school, where they explored the library and read a story together. Teachers explained to children what an author is and that they can be authors. The children wrote their own books.

The children were also able to explore log park.

This week we continued our inquiry of insects. The children made their own spiders. Teachers connected this to numeracy where the children counted how many legs spiders have and how many legs the spiders they made have.

The children continued to express their interest in construction play and pretend play.

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