Holy Family Early Learning Holidays Blog, April- 2024

Nina Marni to all of our beautiful children and lovely families. welcome to our weekly blog of Term 1 week 2 of our holiday program .

Our Learning Intention 1 is to support children’s expression of ideas through our outside environment with the support of mark-making and collaborative art experiences and natural resources from our community. 


  • Mark making simply refers to the creation of different patterns, lines, textures and shapes.
  • Mark-making is not just about early writing; it is a sensory and physical experience which can be enjoyed by all ages and abilities.
  • Season change – Autumn, leaves. Natural tools with leaves, sprigs, they can collect from the garden.
  • Open ended art & craft, beading, pasta – they can also make bracelets, head mask
  • As well as early writing, mark-making can develop into mathematical representation and creative expression.
  • Making marks enables children to develop their hand eye co-ordination and fine motor skills through practicing to hold a tool, deciding what grip suits them best, which hand feels most natural and through making small controlled movements using the tool.
  • By giving children the opportunity to explore different mediums of mark making, it engages them in sensory play and allows them to discover new exciting materials.
  • This helps to enhance a child’s critical thinking, brain development and language development, which gives them the ability to build towards more complex learning tasks in the future.

Our learning Intention two is to provide opportunities for the children to further develop their Gross and fine motor skills during play experiences

Why: Fine and gross Motor skills help children to navigate the world with confidence. 

Children become more confident with a skill, gradually make the tasks more difficult

Engage children in active activities every session where and when possible.

The playground , the oval and the sandpit were some of many sites of experiences with in our Holy Family outdoor community which the children explored and enjoyed immensely. They were quite involved and were able to build and develop their physical skills as well as express wonder and interest in their environments.

Children have displayed a variety of motor skills through multiple learning experiences. Maintaining the cleanliness of all of our learning environments were a focus during our holidays where our little learners began to take ownership through collaboration of washing and cleaning their own tables, chairs and their learning spaces. .

Frequent visits to the MUDLA have supported children with building connections through empathy and care for all living beings.They have also partaken in a bit of gardening during these holidays making their own pots with potting mix and planting some succulent’s contributing towards our ecology and sustainability of their natural environment.

Here are some specs of gold to end off our holiday blog.

Holy Family Early Learning wishes Jermaine a very Happy Birthday. A very precious moment of celebration shared with all of his friends.

To all our beautiful children and lovely families, hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing weekend. Hope to see you all in Term 2.

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