Term 2 – Week 1 LDC3A Blog 2024

Nina marni to every one and welcome to our weekly blog.

Learning Intention:To support children’s understanding and development of a growth mindset, especially when faced with challenges. 


  • According to Carol Dweck, Growth Mindset researcher, “the view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life”. 
  • With a growth mindset, students continually work to improve their skills, leading to greater growth, competence, and confidence. 
  • A growth mindset supports children’s self-esteem, enables them to learn new skills, and helps them to accept new challenges and see new opportunities. 
  • Supports the development of agency. 
  • To demonstrate trust and confidence. 
  • Supporting children to co-operate and work collaboratively with others. 
  • Maintaining high expectations of each child’s capabilities. 
  • Being aware of children’s developmental milestones, particularly emotional and social development, helps educators understand what to expect at different ages and stages in children’s lives. 

Learning Intention 2. To support children’s participation in reciprocal relationships, expanding their skills of cooperation and negotiation.

  • According to the Berry Street Education Model, human beings are hardwired for connection. Emotionally, physically, mentally, and neurologically, we depend on connections with others to grow, develop and maintain our wellbeing. 
  • To demonstrate trust and confidence. 
  • Supporting children to co-operate and work collaboratively with others. 
  • Demonstrate increasing awareness of the needs and rights of others. 
  • Maintaining high expectations of each child’s capabilities. 
    • Teacher scaffolded learning: 
  • Discuss health and safety issues with children and involve them in developing guidelines to keep the environment safe for all. 
  • Encourage children to engage in both individual and collaborative explorative learning processes. 
  • Talk about taking turns, sharing, gentle hands and kind words. 
  • Collaborative ball play games, for example, football, throw/catch, knock down a tower of reels. 
  • Including songs /action songs in group times to support children in developing their social skills, as well as their skills of cooperation and negotiation. 
  • Mediate and assist children to negotiate their rights in relation to the rights of others. 
    • Environment as the Third Teacher:
  • Regular visit to the big playground at the school as a part of the daily routine to support children’s preferred experiences. 
  • Engage children in experiences, conversations and routines that supports their skills of cooperation and negotiation. 
  • Use visual cards and boards to support all children in the room

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