Week 1 – Term 2 Preschool Learning Reflection 2024

Nina Marni everyone ! Welcome to our weekly blog 🙂

Children are continuing to investigate their environment and express their emerging curiosity.

This week our first learning spotlight was settling in to the preschool rituals and routines. We aimed to further support each child to settle into preschool as it is important to re-engage and remind the children in the rhythms, rituals and exceptions of Holy Family Early Learning. We have some new children and families joining our community this term who will need support adjusting to our Preschool.Settling the children back into the routine of Holy Family will allow us to begin focusing on their new individual term goals promptly. With the changes in staffing and rostering, the Preschool children will need support adjusting to these changes.   

This week we investigated the season of Autumn, we went for a nature walk to find Autumn leaves. Once we collected the leaves we were able to create a tree by gluing the leaves on our tree trunk.

We enjoyed playing outdoors in the lovely sunshine.

We painted trees using Autumn colours.

We engaged in indoor learning, where we used our new resources, participated in pretend and imaginative play in the home corner, investigated the plasticine, observed our class turtle Strawberry walk around in the classroom, engaged in making collages and construction play.

We took Strawberry for a walk around our classroom at group time.

The children have settled in well after the school holidays, we are excited for the term ahead! Have a wonderful weekend.

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