Holy Family Preschool and LDC4 Term 2-Week 5 ,Blog

Nina Marni everyone ! Welcome to our weekly blog 🙂

A quick message from the Holy Family Early Learning team

Dear Parents and Caregivers

As you may be aware, over the past few weeks our preschool and long day care rooms have combined to promote highly engaging learning spaces that are intentionally designed to promote the welbeing and learning of all children.  Some spaces are intended for busy activity such as block construction and dancing, and others are intended for quieter and reflective experiences, including painting or craft.  There are also spaces intentionally designed to stimulate curiosity, deep thinking and develop literacy and numeracy skills.

There are times of the day dedicated to small group activities and learning opportunities.  Such opportunities promote unlimited skill development across a range of child development areas. This may be taking the children for a community walk outside the centre or providing a quiet space where intentional teaching on developing skills may take place.  For example, a craft activity can provide skill development of fine motor skills or a ball game on the oval will promote gross motor skills, social skills and use of big body movements.

It is important that children develop their agency and build identity through freedom of choice and time to reflect on actions and behaviours.  Our teachers and educators work closely with your child to develop relationships and connections, enabling open dialogue and guidance in times of candour and need through co-regulation and self-regulation.

Our Preschool and Long Day Care room provide all the children with access to indoor and outdoor activities.  The large open co-joined rooms present spaces and provocations that are a direct response to the children’s interests and needs collectively and individually.

The Early Years Framework puts learning at the core and the curriculum encompasses all the interactions, routines and events, planned and unplanned, that occur in the environment designed to foster children’s learning, development and wellbeing.

Your child’s preschool program is delivered via a relational and place-based pedagogy.  Our teachers and educators deliver a program suited to the development of your child’s cognitive, social and physical capabilities.  Many of our little learners are currently preparing for their transition to school whilst others continue their journey to this destination.

If you have any questions about this change, please feel free to come and chat with us

The pre-school children loop with the long day care children over the week, therefore careful planning and collaboration between the teaching and educator teams is tightly interwoven and responsive to needs of our little learners.

This week we will be celebrating National Reconciliation week. Throughout this week we will be focusing on strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people celebrating their history and culture in Australia fostering discussions and a variety of learning experiences.

Learning Intention

To support children with their engagement in the Early Learning Environment so they can be active participants in the routines experiences and interactions.

Agency among children impacts their learning by engaging children in their learning environment we help to develop their individual agency and independence.

Enquiry Project.

Within the learning environment, rain moths have been appearing and the children have been enjoying watching them. Our group times have been consistent with the enquiry on a variety of curious questions and learning on the habitat and food of the rain moth. our current focus is based on children’s interests for the moment.

Some specs of gold for this week, have a relaxing weekend everyone, see you all next week.

Who is hiding under the cushions……….

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