Holy Family Preschool Reflection #Term 3\Week 3 -2024

Nina Marni all and welcome to our weekly blog.

We started our week with morning pray .Every child is valued so we played a game where teacher put a mirror in the box and told the children that there was a photo of her favourite child in the box, as they all got curious they went to check who it is one by one and saw their own reflection. This made them feel happy and joyful.

Our Learning Intention 1 is to support children’s expression of ideas and identity through mark-making and art experiences. 

Mark making simply refers to the creation of different patterns, lines, textures, and shapes. Mark-making is not just about early writing; it is a sensory and physical experience which can be enjoyed by all ages and abilities. As well as early writing, mark-making can develop into mathematical representation and creative expression. Making marks enables children to develop their hand eye co-ordination and fine motor skills through practicing to hold a tool, deciding what grip suits them best, which hand feels most natural and through making small, controlled movements using the tool. By giving children, the opportunity to explore different mediums of mark making, it engages them in sensory play and allows them to discover exciting new materials. This helps to enhance a child’s critical thinking, brain development and language development, which gives them the ability to build onwards more complex learning tasks in the future

Learning Intention 2 : Book Making

Weekly focus : Starting from scratch – what is a book? What is the purpose? Who reads books? Who writes books? What do they look like? Teachers will use information gained about prior knowledge to decide next steps.

What is this?

Lucas : book

What is a book for?

Philip : to read

What do you think the book about it ?

Bentley :Panda cooking something

Sebastian : eating something

Philip: cooking honey

Victor:making ice cream

Jasper:making popsicle

Ryan.N: making hotdog

Viviane: chocolate donut

Royce: donuts

Mixing colors helps to develop children’s critical thinking, promotes inquiry and investigation, expands vocabulary and advances the children’s cognitive growth in many ways. We can’t wait to see what other fun colors mixtures their creative thinking will guide them too next.

Some specks of gold of the week !!!

Visit to school playground is always favourite experience for our children where they develop their overall motor skills, dexterity and hand-eye coordination.


  • Reflecting on current learning spaces – do any need adjustment for engagement .
  • Book making -embedding book making station into routine and start new spotlight on illustrations.
  • Library visits to source new books and introduce children to new world of literacy .

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