Preschool Reflection Term 3-Week 4,2024

Nina Marni Everyone and welcome to our weekly blog.

What an exciting a interesting week we have had undertaking many science experiments.

Volcano Experiment with vinegar ,baking soda and food clour.

Volcano experiment with lemon and baking soda

Children shared their excitement and prior knowledge around this experiment and voiced their predictions throughout.

Magic colour changing milk science Experiment .

We drop some food colours in the milk and then put the cotton swab with dish soap in the milk and pressing it down in one spot and holding it there for about 15 seconds create the swirls of colour. It was very enjoyable experience for all to children to see the magic.

Learning Intention 1 

To support children’s expression of ideas and identity through mark-making and art experiences. 


  • Mark making simply refers to the creation of different patterns, lines, textures, and shapes. 
  • Mark-making is not just about early writing; it is a sensory and physical experience which can be enjoyed by all ages and abilities. 
  • As well as early writing, mark-making can develop into mathematical representation and creative expression. 
  • Making marks enables children to develop their hand eye co-ordination and fine motor skills through practicing to hold a tool, deciding what grip suits them best, which hand feels most natural and through making small, controlled movements using the tool. 
  • By giving children, the opportunity to explore different mediums of mark making, it engages them in sensory play and allows them to discover exciting new materials. 
  • This helps to enhance a child’s critical thinking, brain development and language development, which gives them the ability to build owards more complex learning tasks in the future. 

This term we started our focus letter for the week and we pick letter ‘S’ .We identifies letter ‘S’ phonic sound and discovered some words.

Bookmaking is always on offer…

Numeracy Provocation

We explored shape this week;

Book Reading

With many new children joining us this term, we have decided to rebuild our love and enjoyment of books. Reading nooks have been set up in our indoor and outdoor spaces to invite children to engage with books in inviting and calm spaces. We read children’s favourite book this week .

Sensory table always most loved experiences among all of the children.

Specks of the gold and community walk.


  • Responding to children’s engagement, we will be provided for visual art experiences in the Atelier
  • To continue our group/partner games
  • To continue to foster a love and enjoyment of books (book week celebrations)
  • Carrying out science experiments.

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