Preschool Reflection Term 3 #week 6 -2024

Nina Marni Every one and welcome to our weekly blog.

What an eventful week this has been! Children were excited to prepare for ‘Father’s Day’ celebration. They made their gifts to express their love, to show appreciation for their fathers.

Children started self serving their meals in our dining room this week .These skills are very important for children because when children practice self-help skills such as feeding and dressing by themselves, they practice their fine and gross motor skills, gain confidence in their ability to try new things and build their self-esteem and pride in their independence.

During moments like this and implanting this in our daily routine has really benefited a number of children and has been such a positive time for us here in PS. This will certainly be kept in our ongoing routine here at Early Learning. As this has also helped some children find their belonging and confidence in joining their peers and teachers in meals times and trying new foods.

Our learning Intention is to challenge children’s construction skills by providing loose parts and STEM experiences.


  • Educators observed and reflected on children’s interest about construction.
  • Construction play helps children to cooperate with each other to complete tasks.
  • The benefits of block and construction play include the development of concentration, spatial awareness, shape recognition,problem- solving skills, social skills and many more.
  • STEM education in early childhood allows children to begin to learn and retain a knowledge base that they can build on as theyget older.
  • Loose Parts play encourages children to make, create, problem solve and hypothesize. Loose parts have no instructions and nopredetermined rules.
  • The concept of ‘loose parts’ supports children to become critical thinkers as they use these open- ended materials to plan theirwork and create whatever they want to without an adult telling them what should be done. It helps children to be imaginative.
  • Loose parts give children the freedom to arrange and rearrange, essentially using the parts to create their own rules and designs,which allows the focus of the experience to be on the process rather than the product. Fine motor skills are developed and strengthened when children grasp and pick up small objects.

ILP’S: ALL Children

Construction is all time favourite and super hit experience among preschool children this week.

Numeracy table…..

Can you Make a tower with pattern?

Patterning supports the foundations for recall of the counting sequence . Patterns and connections help children to make their own predictions and form logical connections. It’s an important foundation for later mathematical thinking and reasoning.

Literacy and Book Making.

Letter of the week ‘D’

We made some new words with ‘D’ sound.

Community Walk and specks of the gold for this week!!!

Have a lovely and relaxed weekend everyone !

Trajectories :

-Story tables and props with favourite books.

-Collecting box and cardboard for constructing ice cream shop

-To support each child to deepen their understanding of measurement.

-Encouraging children to use comparative language such as big, medium, and small, as well as the terms bigger and smaller

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