today it was our assembly and I was the curtain lady we did a dance to the milkshake song and the theme of the assembly was master chef. It was a fun assembly.
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Goals for term 3
1. My goal is to get better in drawing because I can become a artist. I will no [know] I am getting better at drawing if I try hard.
2. My goal is to make 5 books in one term because then I will get a good grade and I will have a lot of books to read at bedtime.
3. My last goal is to make more friends because then I can play with new people.
Week 2 Guided Reading- Composting Awareness
What three things help start the composting process?
a. Bacteria
b. Insects
c. Fungi
d. All of the above
All of the above and if you grow mushrooms that is fungi.
What sort of fertiliser do the kids add to their compost?
The kids use manure as there fertiliser.
Explain what worms, slugs and other insects do to improve the compost’s texture?
The worms eat all of the vegetables to make soil and and the bugs decomposed matter and then poop it out.
How does compost help our garden?
Compost goes into a bin and then the worms eat it and it turns into soil.
Holiday Recount week 1
On my holiday I went bowling for my birthday party. Taihya , Shylah and Mia went to my birthday party too.
A week later, I went to Perth to visit some friends of my Mum and Dad. We went to Perth for one week and we went to wineries. We went to play golf as well. We were in Perth when Anzac Day was on so we went to the march and the Dawn Services.
Commonwealth Games
Before the Commonwealth games were called the Commonwealth games they were called the empire games.
This year the Olympics are going to be in India.
My goals for next term
Next term I want to have six books done in class.
Next term I want to be better at numeracy in class.
Reflection week 9 – Guided reading
I am creative when I use my own ideas and when I get to work on the laptop and on posters.
I use my leadership when I help my friend and I don’t tell people to do the wrong thing. I use my leadership when I am nice to people and when I am a role model.
Guided Reading Week 9 – Australian Population Future
My goal for Numeracy in 2018
My goal for numeracy is to know all my times tables I also want to learn how to skip count in 3’s. I want to learn how to do place value with six digit numbers. I want to learn how to skip count by twos in till I get to eight hundred.
Guided Reading Week 8- Plastic Free Boy
1.How is plastic pollution having a negative impact on animals and our environment?
Plastic is killing animals in the ocean and making them very sick.
2. How many tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean?
8 million tonnes of plastic ends up in the ocean.
3. What can you do to help the environment?
We can stop using plastic bags and clean the school and the comity.