investigation week 5

We did slime and we done it and tomorrow we  gonna change what we have to change.  The hard part was the part that we have to put so much borax so it can’t go like liquid and the easy part was the first part we take are time and find the video and we started to make it. The ingredients was borax and glue. We have to mix with the pop stike, that was a hard thing to do. The thing get not well that was that I make the short slime and the well thing is that I stretched the slime and it go bigger and now its the biggest slime ever I sow.

week 3 when I start doing things

I start speaking when I was 3 years old because my mum teach to speak some words then I start to sentences of words.

I start to wright when I was 4 years old my mum teach like in single words [t,ea,ch] then I wright them in word .

I start reading when I was 4 years because my mum wright some words and I try to read them and know I know how to read.