On the 25th may 2018 my class and REQ and also REF went to a Museum. All of our classes were split into groups and then we got on the bus and it was a pretty long ride but when we got there we ate our recess out side the Museum. When I was looking inside the Museum I saw a meteorite that crashed in Western Australia.
After that we went into our groups and then went into the Museum and there was a giant Allosaurus skeleton. The staff there gave us a place to put our bags and then my group went to the toilets and people who didn’t need to go to the toilet waited outside and there was a bunch of animals but they were not real. After that my group went upstairs and my buddy Oliver went upstairs too. I think Oliver was in REQ.
On the top floor there was a lot of facts and tools they use for hunting. There was these seats with a screen and it showed some facts. When my group went down stairs there were a lot of weapons like spears and there were boats and there was some screens with someone playing didredoo or someone talking about their life. One boat was only made out of sticks and ropes and the others look like they had a big cloth. after that we got our bags then left. On the bus I sat with my buddy Oliver and then we went to a place called Botanic Gardens.
Botanic Gardens is a place that has lots of plants and grass and also trees. We ate our lunch there and then played some games like tag. After that we walked to the next bus and while we were walking there I made up a joke and then I told it to my friend Terry. The joke was where does the president of plants live? in the green house when we got back to the bus I sat with my buddy Oliver and we went back to school.