Late bus. On Tuesday march the 6th my class went fishing the bus was late by 30 minutes and we were meant to be there at 9 30 but we were going on the bus at 9 30 and the teacher took 3 photos.
The bus Ride
The bus ride was 30 minutes long and I just talked to Manan and Fateh. I saw the lake and it was really long and in my old school my class went on a excursion and we went in a boat and saw dolphins and I realised this lake is the lake I saw dolphins on.
West Lakes Shore
West Lakes Shore was the place we went fishing and it’s water was blue then it was green.
My partner was Thinh and he needed to set up his fishing rod because he took own fishing rod so I had nothing to do.When he was done he went fishing first when it was recess he got a fish only one then it was my turn and then I learned how hard it is to catch a fish.The fish just grabs the bait and runs away and I got a fish! Then Jason (Jason was a helper) had these things that had a thing on it and when a fish bites it the thing goes kind of down then you know there’s a fish on it and I tried it and I got a fish and I didn’t even know. One bad thing was I got four fish and the fish jumped off the hook in mid air so I lost 4 fish.
There was a playground next to the lake and on recess and lunch we went there and the was a lot of stuff but there was a spinning thing and it was the best for me and I fell off it a lot of times.
Ride back to school
The bus ride felt more short and back at school our teacher gave us ice cream and time on the playground