A day with robot

me and my class had to make a comic with comic life I was the only one to finish it so I was really happy

I did a war bot, a joke bot, a tennis bot, a shop bot, a teacher bot, aa cook bot, a cleaner bot, a folder bot

war bot gos in wars so nobody needs to get shot, joke Bot he tells you funny jokes, tennis bot he shows you how to play tennis, teacher bot teaches kids, folder bot he folds your clothes, room bot cooks your dinner or lunch, shop bot you can put the stuff that you are going to buy in him and he will follow you, cleaner bot he cleans your house when you are ar school


class VR


today I did  class VR it was really fun. I went to space and landed on the Moon and  then a city called London, I saw lots of big buildings and the big clock called Big Ben.  I saw really big buildings. Me, Kai, Lucas, Joshua, Arrow Devon we made a cardboard man we had to sketch it out 1st than we could make it sadly it did not come out any where near the sketch. The next job is to put the tin foil on. We are the only group that have wires on our robot.

book week dress up

today I dressed up as bat man my and sister dressed up as a really funny Dino

My favourite book is Rodney Loses It, its really funny. He loses his pen and it is his favourite pen because he kisses it then he finds it than he loses his glasses,  its on his head  then he finds it and that’s the end of it.