Guided Reading Week 9 – Australian Population Future

1. What are some of the benefits of population growth?
The benefits of the population is good because there are more jobs, more money and less lonely people. But it also means more fun! we get new friends and our family trees grow bigger it’s also good for some people that are an only child so they can have a brother or sister if they are lonely.
2. What are some of the challenges of population growth?
On the benefits question I said less lonely people but sometimes that can be bad thing because some people like bullies can have more friends and bully more people and we can also lose money for Australia because we need to build school and make more building and all our resources could run out.
3. Do you think Australia’s population should grow or stay the same size?
I think Australia’s population should stay the same because we lose money and our country could lose people.

Guided Reading Week 7 – Dingoes

What are the differences between dingoes and dogs?

The difference is that Dogs can be trained/tamed, taught tricks and they can communicate by barking but dingoes can’t be trained, tamed, taught tricks either because they are wild and dingoes communicate by growling.

Why are dingoes pests for some people?

Dingoes are pests to some people especially farmers because they attack farm animals like sheep.

What part of Australia do you not find dingoes in?

You can find dingoes everywhere in Australia except Tasmania


Guided Reading Week 5 – Eyes

1. Who studies eyes?

a. Ophthalmologist
b. Orthodontist
c. Ornithologist
2. Explain how monocular works
In a healthy eye the light comes from the cornea at the front and is focused by the lens on the back of your eyes. There’s a layer of super special nerve cells that detects light and colors which is called retina, then the brain works what you see from there, but what some people see isn’t clear. There’s a thing called being long-sighted or short-sighted, if your long-sighted it’s hard to see whats in front of you and/or whats close to you, if you are short-sighted it’s the opposite you can’t see whats far from you.
From Mary

4RG Fishing excursion

Yesterday my class and I went to west lakes shore for my excursion, the bus was thirty minutes late we were supposed to be going at 9:00 o’clock but we went at 9:30, we took three photos while we were waiting.

Then we went on the bus and my bus partner was Nhi, Nhi was reading a book but I watched stuff on the window, People started shouting “COWS!” so I called nhi and showed her the cows, It was thirty minute bus ride.

We finally arrived at West Lakes Shore, we saw Mr. McCarthy there then Mr. McCarthy picked our partners he said Emily, Nhi and I could be a group of three.

When we started fishing the fish kept on eating the worm and the fish never for stuck. When the bait ran out we put our hand out like Mr McCarthy to, Mrs. Giannakakis gave us some bait instead, I was putting the bait on there but Emily started reel the fishing rod while I was holding it that’s how my Index finger got stuck on the rod, It started bleeding but somehow it didn’t hurt, I found I starfish and when Mrs. Giannikakas was about to tell me something about the starfish I threw it away then she said would you like to threw, I climbed the rocks while Emily had a turn.

Then it was recess I ate some popcorn and A little milk bottle.

It was time to go to the playground! I went on the slide first then the swings, round-About thingy, monkey bar floor is lava thing and I went on the tree.

It was finally Lunch time flies by when your having fun I ate cookies, A fruit drink and some noodles I think Mrs. Giannikakas was relived that I didn’t have a donut that day.

At the ride home I fell asleep back at school we went to the playground to eat our Popsicles.

From Mary


Investigations week 5

1. Today In investigations I made frozen fruit popsicles with My friends Emily and Nhi.

2. I learnt  how to make frozen fruit popsicles because today I got to make them I spilt a little bit but we cleaned it up, hopefully we get to taste them soon.

3. Tomorrow I might do the same or a different activity.

here’s some photos   from Mary