Year: 2023

Preschool Learning Reflection – Term 4, Week 9 2023

Niina Marni, preschool children and families. Welcome to our end of school year blog! I would like to take a moment and say a big thank you to all our children for making this school year absolutely amazing. Your hard work, creativity and enthusiasm have truly made a difference. From our fun classroom activities to…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection – Term 4, Week 9 2023

Preschool Learning Reflection – Term 4, Week 8, 2023

Niina marni preschool children and families and welcome to the end of week 9!  We have only a week until the school holidays and only one more week with the children transitioning to reception in 2024. Learning Intention: To support children’s emotional wellbeing as they begin their transition process for reception in 2024, as well…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection – Term 4, Week 8, 2023

Preschool Learning Reflection Term 4 week 7

Niina marni preschool children and families and welcome to our weekly blog. It has been an exciting week as our children began their transition process for reception in 2024. Learning Intention: To support children’s emotional wellbeing as they begin their transition process for reception in 2024, as well as children who will be joining preschool…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection Term 4 week 7

Preschool Learning Reflection Term 4 week 6

Niina marni preschool children and families, welcome to our weekly blog. Literacy Intentions (our hopes for their learning) General sound discrimination and rhyme awareness. Matching Rhyming words orally. Reading picture books regularly. Children will enjoy a joyful connection to picture books. Continue using mark-making tools, such as crayons, textas, pencils, paint, chalk, sand (as they…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection Term 4 week 6

Preschool Learning Reflection Term 4 Week5

Niina Marni Preschool children and families and welcome to our weekly blog. This time of the year is always exciting as we start the preparation to celebrate Christmas.  In preschool room, children are busy practicing for Christmas carols performance, creating the decorations and being joyous with the season’s delight. Inquiry project: Our Place in the…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection Term 4 Week5

Preschool Learning Reflection Week 4, Term 4

Niina Marni preschool families and children and welcome to our weekly blog. What a festive week this has been! Learning Intention: To nurture each child’s and educators identity through connecting with and learning about their culture and community. Why Being part of a community has many benefits for a child. It can create that sense…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection Week 4, Term 4

Preschool Learning Reflection Term 4 Week 3

Niina Marni preschool families and children and welcome to our weekly blog. This term our Inquiry project is based on the world around us. We are learning about different places in Australia and some other countries of the world. We are discussing about : 1) Where do you have family/friends? 2) Where have you visited?…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection Term 4 Week 3

Preschool Learning Reflection Term 4, Week 2

Niina Marni preschool families and children and welcome to our weekly blog. Our most exciting part of the week was to explore the world through google map and world map to see other parts of the world and knowing about the places our family came from and relatives live in. Inquiry project: Our Place in…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection Term 4, Week 2

Preschool Learning Reflection Term 4 week 1

Niina Marni Preschool children and families and welcome to our week 1 blog. Learning Intention To nurture and deepen each child’s innate sense of agency in decision making and routine/ self-help tasks. Why: The sense of agency is defined as the sense of oneself as the agent of one’s own actions. This also allows oneself…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection Term 4 week 1

Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 3, Week 10

Hello Preschool Families, For this weeks reflection we would like to share the wrap up of our term long inquiry project- ‘How does your garden grow?’   Term 3 Inquiry- How does your garden grow?     We would also like to share some photos of our colour run this afternoon! it was so much…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 3, Week 10