Learning Reflection, Term 1, week 2


Learning Intention 1: 

To support new children and families to develop a sense of belonging to the Holy Family Early Years learning environments and to develop relationships within their community.  

We almost have all self portraits complete and have begun displaying them in our meeting space. It’s wonderful to observe children confidently and proudly identifying and sharing their portraits with their peers.


We deepen our focus of identity and  consider the communities that we belong to (our inquiry project). The most obvious and special communities that children belong to are of course their families.During group time, children were invited to share photos of their loved ones and begin to create our Kinship tree.


**a reminder for families to please send through family photos for your child to share**


Learning Intention 2: 

To refine and establish a daily routine that supports consistency and predictability for children and educators yet remains responsive to the needs of the community. 

We are delighted to see each child draw upon their innate agency in daily tasks and self help skills. Hats and shoes are increasingly found in the delegated spots and all teachers and educators are ensuring that reminders for this continues. It has also been evident that each child has developed a deeper understanding of the rhythms and rituals of preschool and have displayed a deeper curiosity in the happenings within our environment.


An Emergent Idea 

One of the most evidently exciting tasks of the week was designing a new home for Strawberry (our turtle). With the noticing that Strawberry is growing, we felt that she requires a larger home.

A group discussion presented some valuable points to consider for our planning:



Some of our innovative ideas:


Amani: how about some decorations

Max: food

Krishav: turtle lights

Jason: Rocks

Thomas: Maybe a bridge

Livij: something to sit on

Tani: water

Harry: it’s a rectangle



Some open ended questions were asked during reading time to gain some insight into the prior knowledge held by our preschool children about books .

What is this?

Owen: that’s a book!

What are books for?

Livij: to read

Thomas: to tell you things

Ewan: to be funny

Anisa: for reading

Marlee: to look at



For this particular reading time, we had the intention of creating a shared reading experience. The pattern, rhyme and repeated text within ‘There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Mozzie!’ meant that many children chose chose to read aloud. We made meaning through the illustrations to support this process and were invited to create the ended with the textless last page.


Numeracy Provocation

Which tower is the tallest?


Literacy Provocation

The Three Little Pigs


-present our plans to Mr McCarthy (MUDLA) and learn more about long neck turtles

-continue discussions about family and create our Kinship tree

-embarking on our new learning intention Emerging from the common interest shared within our community- deepening comparative language and numeracy processing skills

One thought on “Learning Reflection, Term 1, week 2

  1. Wow what a kaleidoscope of learning for our Early Learning children. From long neck turtles, through the Three Little Pigs,Bookmaking and Learning Intentions!
    What a plethora of superb learning and relationships

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