Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, Week 4

Inquiry Project

The moment arrived this week and we finally re-homed our beloved Strawberry. On Tuesday Mr McCarthy brought a larger than expected tank to preschool, so some problem-solving took place together to determine the safest space to put it. 

This provided us with some time to look at the tank, and re-think some of our original designs, considering the ample space that it had.

-that could have a big slide (Leo)

-we could put some new plants in there (Yar)

-what about some steps to get to that side? (Lucas)

On Wednesday, we ere thrilled to welcome Mr McCarthty back to our room, with the anticipation that we were ready to set the tank up.

We were so proud to see that many of our suggestions were considered, such as: plants, rocks, a filter, a heater, lots of water.

Please Enjoy our preschool book ‘Strawberry’s New Home’….

A possible new direction for our Inquiry…

A provocation for some bird spotting was a hit this week, with children working together and indepedntly to make discoveries about living beings in our environment. It was particularly interesting to discover the prior knowledge held by many children about various birds.

Learning Intention 1: 

To challenge children’s construction skills using loose parts and STEM experiences by extending on their emergent interest and learning about cause and effect, comparison and problem-solving skills. 

The set up of Strawberry’s tank provided an exciting and engaging opportunity to explore measurement. Chhildren were invited to estimate as we began using a bucket to fill thank

-1000 buckets (Krishav)

-100 of them (Thomas)

Though out the process we identified the concept of’ half’ and used language such as less, more, estimate, predict, volume

During group time, we looked at images to make comparisons about the length of items. There was very evident prior knowledge by our learners that we can measure and compare different attributes of objects and beings. 
Following this discussion, we measured our own height, which brought out the competitive side in many of our learners.

Learning Intention 2: 

To deepen our literacy provocations and embed ‘book making’ practices reflective of recent training with Lisa Burman. 

What incredibly creative and competent authors we have in preschool! The spotlight for our bookmaking this term is supporting all children to understand that they are authors too. This has evidently sat well with many children, as they seek book making throughout each day.

Teachers and educators have supported children to become excited about and interested in book making through shared reading experiences.

Guiding questions such as ‘What is the picture telling you?’ and ‘What do you think this book might be about?’ lays foundation for children to think like a writer.


-make new discoveries within the MUDLA (habitats)

-focus on ‘topics’ of books

-re-imagine our physical layout, what areas are lacking engagement? what would our community like to see more of?

-learning intention around safe choices and collaboration.

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