Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, Week 5

Xin Chao (Hello) Preschool Families and welcome to our week 5 learning reflection.

We continued our inquiry project and shifted the focus to habitats this week. We gained insight into the prior knowledge held by our learners on Monday with the question ‘What is a habitat?

With the new knowledge that a habitat is a ‘home for animals’ (thank you Yuona), we discussed some of the habitats that we have seen in our personal lives.

Some key ideas presented:

-some animals live in water, some live on land and some live in both

-there are different type of water that animals live in (creeks, ocean, billabongs etc)

-animals prefer different types of environmental factors (heat or cold)

-all animals need food and water to survive

The MUDLA provided such a valuable resource to carry out hands on and real life observations. Working alonsgside each other, children were invited to draw the habitat of their choosing, to later discuss their findings.

This lead to some more wonderings:

-What is Amonia?

-do all fish need a filter?

-do all animals like swimming?

The interests of habitats held by many children was very evident throughout the week, as they incorporated their new discoveries into their play. Many resources were used creatively to build habitats in collaborative and independent projects.

Learning Intention 2: 

To deepen our literacy provocations and embed ‘book making’ practices reflective of recent training with Lisa Burman.

We continue to reflect on ways that all experiences can be more inclusive and inviting within our space. Bringing book making outside this week saw many children participate and engaging with the process. 


We used books such as ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ to tell a story though simply looking at the illustrations. Books that contain pages without text have been a valuable catalyst for children to observe some decisions made by the author and develop the understanding of making meaning through pictures.

Learning Intention 1: 

To support children to develop positive and inclusive dispositions towards diversity through the implementation and understanding of positive education practices. To also support children to collaborate with peers and show respect towards each other and their environments. 

The environment was mindfully set in a way this week that encouraged collaboration and social play. Our clay investigations was a point of particular interest with children making discoveries along side each other, working in their own unique ways with the medium.

Puppet play in our sensory room provided opportunity for children to express themselves and respectfully participate with their peers, considering the suggestions of others and taking on various roles.

We have had discussions this week about emotions and positive ways to work through them. It has been wonderful to see children take responsibility in selecting activities that will support them in regulating their emotions. This is particularly evident when many children seeking more restful activities (such as puzzles and books) and also when requiring some moments of deeper engagements (through board games, and box construction)

Numeracy Provication


-resisting expectations of the room, as co-constructed in week 1

-collecting more data on habitats (children as researchers)

-re-thinking the atelier space, it is accessible and inviting for all children?

-children as Authors: videoing bookmaking and sharing with community

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