Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, Week 6

Nina Marni Preschool Families,

Welcome to our week 6 Reflection.

Inquiry Project

We continued our investigation stages into living beings and habitats, mad possible through our interactions with Strawberry and other living beings in our local communities. This week, we moved to a new stage of our inquiry and become researchers. Following a discussion around the interests held by our inquiries, we began diving deeper into researching the animals of our choosing.

This included:




Learning Intention 1: 

To support children to develop positive and inclusive dispositions towards diversity through the implementation and understanding of positive education practices. To also support children to collaborate with peers and show respect towards each other and their

Community visits have offered beautiful moments of connection between each other and to our wider Holy Community.

We are so incredibly blessed to have such a diverse community at Holy Family and this week we acknowledged Holi (the festival of colour) with a group painting. As we listened to the rhythm of some traditional Bollywood music, we experimented with various tools to make some interesting and unique marks on the paper.

A big welcome to Oliver and William who began their journey at Holy Family Early Years this week.

Learning Intention 2: 

To deepen our literacy provocations and embed ‘book making’ practices reflective of recent training with Lisa Burman. 

Supporting children to see themselves as authors isn’t only through our bookmaking sessions, but also through a variety of experiences on offer throughout or program. Mark-making is always on offer for children, to build the physical skills to write (such as holding a pencil) and also to begin to make the connection between symbols and expressing meaning,

Our weekly story tables aim to be inclusive in supporting all children to develop a love for books as they are invited to engage with manipulative materials to re-tell a familiar story. The bear hunt was such a hit this week and we saw many children becoming quite theatrical in their re-tells.

Numeracy Provocation

Such a variety of materials created a variety of interpretations and pathways for our learners. With the provocation of clipboards, many children were drawn to collecting data about the resources infront of them.


  • Follow the interests and connections made in Aaron Blakey’s ‘Pig the Pug’ Series: A week of an Author Study
  • Continue our researching phase of our inquiry: Library vist – New rostered time has been organised (Wednesday)
  • New learning intention: following the children’s interest we will providing various opportunities for expression and creativity through visual arts

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