Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, Week 8

Heita (Hello) Preschool Families and welcome to our week 8 Learning Reflection

Learning Intention 1: 

To encourage children’s expression of ideas and identity through collaborative visual art/making experiences and mark making.  


The theme for harmony week is ‘everyone belongs’ which is very the essence of what we strive for at Holy Family Early years. How lucky we are to have such a richly diverse community. Children were invited to create people with various materials. This certainly showcased not only their creativity, but also their uniqueness.

A whole centre mural created moments of connection and joy (and a lot of messy play). This large art piece was marked by so many throughout Monday.

Our making continues to be part of our daily rhythm and now stands as an embedded sustainable practice within our program. Aliging with the Holy Family pillar of ecological conservation, using recycled materials is just one way we take responsibility in contributuing to a sustainable furtue. We wonder what other ways we can embed sustainable practices?

Learning Intention 2: 

To support children’s engagement, development and self-regulation through strengthening their sensory processing capabilities. 


Our Author study into Aaron Blabey deepens as we read ‘Pig The Grub’. We continued to make connections between the characters and begun looking at the illustrations more closely. Some humorous observations were shared:

Livij: He’s stinky

Elle: how do you know?

Harry: there’s green stink stuff

Jason: there’s lots of flies

Elle: what do you notice on this page?

Maddi: He’s running away!

Elle: How can we tell he’s running?

Ewan: this quick lines

This made us wonder how we could write and illustrate with purpose.

In acknowledgment of harmony week, we read a variety books the highlight diversity, inclusion and respect. Some guiding questions were posed by teachers to provoke deeper thinking about such topics.

Numeracy Provocation: Map Making

-directional language

-measurement and geometry

An Emergent Interest…

Collaborative construction project


  • Dicussions around sustainablilty
  • Following chidrens interests with large constrction projects (logpark)
  • New group games to engage more children
  • Begin the analyising.stage of inquiry. Developing/drafting our information text
  • to create physical challenge and collaboration
  • continuation of learning intentions (Harmony week celebrations limited the opportunity to dive into each one this week)

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