Preschool Learning Reflection – Term 2, Week 9, 2023.

Niina Marni preschool children and families and welcome to the end of week 9! Can’t quite believe we only have one more week until the school holidays and only one more week with the children transitioning to reception mid year!

On Wednesday night we hosted our Preschool Celebration of Learning event in the Curiosity building. Our chef Angela catered the event, at first we thought there was too much food however it was all so delicious that there was only one platter of food left by the end! Thank you to Angela for generously catering and cooking all day for our families.

These celebrations are always so heartwarming and meaningful for our community of learners. It is beautiful to see all of the children, who we are so so proud of, coming in with their families with big smiles on their faces. We could not be prouder of all of you and whilst we are sad to see you move on to your next learning journey we are so grateful for the time we spent together and know you will jump into this next phase with brilliance and fun!

Thank you to the families who have sent through photos of the event, in the heat of the moment we forgot to take photos and have loved looking back at all of the beautiful smiles. A night I’m sure we will all remember!

We hope you enjoy looking over some of the photos with your families at home! We will send the videos out via email as they are too large to upload on the blog.

Playful Numeracy

Bookmaking/Playful Literacy

Specks of Gold…


  • NAIDOC week provocations and group times next week
  • Diving deeper in to setting up the worm farm – what can they eat? How can we collect our food scraps for them?
  • Increased community visits to support children transitioning to reception mid year

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