Preschool Learning Reflection Term 3, Week 3

Inquiry Project: Our natural world

We continued to collect data on gardens and food production this week with various hands on experiences. A trip to the vegetable gardens gave us the opportunity to harvest our own carrots!

‘Look there’s carrots under there!’ shared Thomas, who eagerly pulled out some ripened carrots. Angela was thrilled to receive the carrots and we were excited to have them in our curry for lunch.

Another outlet for data collection is our bean in a bag experiment. All going to plan, we will be able to observe the life cycle of plants, starting from our broad bean seeds, developing in to bean sprouts that we can plant in our garden. Our very competent learners shared their ideas and prior knowledge on growing plants:

Thomas: it needs water

Marlee: it will grow bigger

Livij: it might need dirt

Elijah: we dig it

Mikal; it might have flowers

We looked to famous artist Vincent Vangogh for some inspiration for our visual art experiences. We looked closely at the different patterns, colours and textures he had used in his Sunflower painting and showed how we are also Artists ourselves. With their innate creativity and confidence, children engaged with this experiences in unique ways, creating some vibrant art pieces that will be displayed in our room proudly.


Learning Intention 1: To deepen our scientific skills of communicating, classifying, inferring, experimenting and measuring through STEM experiences and provocations

On Monday children were invited to give their ideas about science and what experiments they know of/enjoy. There was a very clear interest in things that explode!! or move,
After selecting some favourite experiments together and looking at the photos with them, we made predictions about what materials and methods would be needed.Over the next week (in acknowledgement of Science Week) we will be carrying out these experiments, and children will be encouraged to share predictions, observations and evaluations.

Educators also invited children to make our sensory mediums with us, asking them to direct the experience to reach the desired outcome. Our slime experience has been a particular hit recently and many children were capable in suggesting the methods and materials required. One of our discoveries has been that smocks are required for such experiences!!

Numeracy and Literacy Provocations

We promote Numeracy and literacy skills through everyday experiences such as singing, counting the attendance roll, reading and drawing. We also provide play privations that engage children in extending their numerate and literate identities in meaningful and engaging ways.

Our Numeracy focus this week was number

Our Literacy focus was engaging with texts

Our Community Visits this week…


  • carrying out science experiments
  • observing and document changes with our beans
  • research for our vegetable/herb garden
  • number provovations
  • connecting with texts: story boards
  • discussions around safety practices and wellbeing

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