Month: September 2023

Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 3, Week 10

Hello Preschool Families, For this weeks reflection we would like to share the wrap up of our term long inquiry project- ‘How does your garden grow?’   Term 3 Inquiry- How does your garden grow?     We would also like to share some photos of our colour run this afternoon! it was so much…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 3, Week 10

Preschool Learning Reflection Term 3, Week 9 2023.

Niina Marni preschool children and families, welcome to our weekly blog. We are almost at the end of this term! What a beautiful week this has been. The days are getting warmer with the happy sky! Children are more engaged in their outdoor experiences which now include water play, painting with ice blocks and many…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection Term 3, Week 9 2023.

Preschool Learning Reflection. Week 8, Term 3, 2023.

Niina Marni preschool children and families and welcome to week 8 learning reflection. Inquiry: As part of the catholic ethos we support children to develop a love, respect, and appreciation for all of God’s creations. Our inquiry project provided opportunities to explore natural environment, growing plants and learn about the importance of plants, trees as…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection. Week 8, Term 3, 2023.

Preschool Learning Reflection. Term 3, Week 7, 2023.

Dear Preschool Families, welcome to week 7 learning reflection. Learning Intention: To support each child to deepen their understanding of measurement. Encouraging children to use comparative language such as big, medium, and small, as well as the terms bigger and smaller. Why: Children become numerate as they develop the understanding, knowledge, and skills to use…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection. Term 3, Week 7, 2023.

Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 3, Week 6 2023.

Dear Preschool families, welcome to our week 6 Blog. What an eventful week this has been! Children were excited to prepare for ‘Father’s Day’ celebration. They made their gifts to express their love, to show appreciation for their fathers.              Learning Intention: To support each child to deepen their emergent…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 3, Week 6 2023.