Preschool Learning Reflection. Term 3, Week 7, 2023.

Dear Preschool Families, welcome to week 7 learning reflection.

Learning Intention: To support each child to deepen their understanding of measurement. Encouraging children to use comparative language such as big, medium, and small, as well as the terms bigger and smaller.


  • Children become numerate as they develop the understanding, knowledge, and skills to use mathematics confidently across learning areas and in their lives.
  • They develop conceptual understandings, procedural fluency, and adaptive reasoning skills to facilitate transfer of their mathematical knowledge to contexts outside the mathematics classroom and this is supported when the mathematical ideas with which they interact are relevant and meaningful.
  • Children are showing interest in sorting, measurements, comparing sizes (taller or shorter, bigger, or smaller) and shapes.
  • To support children’s understanding measuring, estimating, sorting, noticing patterns.
  • Children construct mathematical ideas from birth through a combination of cognitive development and interaction with their environment.

Children observed different objects with different sizes, they were engaged in comparing length. They learned to use the terms bigger, big, smaller and were able to organise the objects accordingly with the help of their teacher.

Children used a balancing scales with a ‘bowl’ on each side to weigh, compare lighter and heavier objects.  They observed that the bigger objects were not always heavier.

They used different sized spoons to weigh flour. Through the experience, they learned to compare weights. They observed the heavier cup pushed the beam of the scale down more than the lighter side.

They also weighed a range of natural materials to explore the idea of measurement.

Children enjoyed ‘Frog Jump’ game.  They tried three jumps: frog jump, bunny jump and kid jump. Then they measured the length they jumped with non-standard units.  

Puzzles are currently very popular in our pre school room. Children are engaged with a variety of puzzles throughout the day. Puzzles enable children to develop problem solving skills, they learn how to match the pieces to fit in the correct space, cognitive skills through visual-spatial awareness. It supports fine motor skills as well as hand- eye coordination by placing puzzle pieces in the correct order and social skills by completing puzzles with peers.

Scissors skills – Children were excited to free all the dinosaurs with the help of the scissors.


Literacy Intentions (our hopes for their learning)

  • Children will develop a joyful connection to picture books.
  • Children will gain confidence in using mark-making tools, such as crayons, textas, pencils, paint, chalk, sand (as they create texts during this process).
  • Children will build symbolic functioning, sharing something about the marks they have created.

This week, children were excited to make their books in a different set up. They looked happily engaged in their activity near Billabong. They shared their stories and the meanings of their mark with their educators.


Mark making provocation is included in our everyday experiences.


Inquiry Project:

What we want to know:

  • Responsibility – How to take care of our plants in a plant pot or garden?
  • What are the benefits of using compostable plant pots?
  • What do we need to get started with our garden project?

Children planned and designed the preschool garden! It is amazing to observe how children organised their ideas and thoughts to create their garden.


  • Continue our explorations of counting, categorising, identifying shapes by using a range of familiar materials around the environment.

  • Inquiry – Planting the bean seedlings in our garden.
  • Story tables and props with favourite story books.

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