Preschool Learning Reflection Term 3, Week 9 2023.

Niina Marni preschool children and families, welcome to our weekly blog. We are almost at the end of this term!

What a beautiful week this has been. The days are getting warmer with the happy sky! Children are more engaged in their outdoor experiences which now include water play, painting with ice blocks and many more exciting activities.

Learning Intention: To support children’s understanding of the importance of sun safety and embedding consistent daily sun safe practices across our team and learning environment.


  • Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing – (Early Years Learning Framework, Learning outcome 3).
  • Children show an increasing awareness of healthy lifestyles.
  • Children show increasing independence and competence in personal hygiene, care and safety for themselves and others.
  • Explaining the time of the days that important for sun protection.
  • Showing them the tools, they need to protect their skins in the environment.
  • Introducing Sun Smart Protection steps.
  • Encouraging children to drink water.

Children are becoming more aware of sun safety, they understand the importance of applying sunscreen, wearing hats and drinking water for their wellbeing.

They learned to keep their hats in their bag lockers when they are inside preschool room. They are also familiar with the spare hat rack. Children know that they can use spare hats from that rack if they missed to bring their own hat.


Literacy Intentions (our hopes for their learning)

  • General sound discrimination and rhyme awareness.
  • Matching Rhyming words orally.
  • Reading picture books regularly. Children will enjoy a joyful connection to picture books.
  • Continue using mark-making tools, such as crayons, textas, pencils, paint, chalk, sand (as they create texts during this process).
  • Children will build symbolic functioning, sharing something about the marks they have created.

Book making – Playful Literacy

Children are diving deep into their book making experiences. Everyday, their stories are becoming way more detailed with elaborating pictures, thoughts and ideas. Evidently, they are completely engaged in exploring a whole new world in their imagination. Children are connecting their loved experiences and people to create their stories. They are adding and editing their ideas continuously to produce more meaningful plots.

Specks of gold

Inquiry project:

  • Visit community gardens for ideas.
  • Watering the plants in our garden.
  • Observing leaf growth.

One of the most loved experiences in our preschool room is to work in our garden. Children went to water the plants with their leader Mason (from school). They observed how the soil looks dry in hot weather. They also learned the importance of watering the plants. Children took turns to water the garden bed. 

Construction experiences are always among the most favourite experiences. Now a days children are more engaged in building than before.

Our young builders helped to assemble a shelf to organise the toys in preschool room.

A massive construction project!

Mason showed us his amazing construction work. He created a beautiful house with a slide and stairs to the pool! Children enjoyed observing the piece of work with so much interest! They asked several questions to know more about the work. Mason explained about the house, the materials and tools he used and how he reflected on his previous project and made it better than last year. The whole experience was inspiring for our preschool learners.

Friday was eventful! Preschool attended the Assembly, they enjoyed seeing different types of lanterns created by students! They loved to watch the performances. Later, we had picnic lunch together with Long Day Care Rooms.

Our chef Angela cooked butter chicken and rice which was very much loved by all our children!

Nothing Without Joy – Loris Malaguzzi, 1995



  • Increasing community visits to look after our garden
  • Continuation – sun safety, drinking water
  • Playful Literacy – Book making, Rhyming Words

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