Month: December 2023

Preschool Learning Reflection – Term 4, Week 9 2023

Niina Marni, preschool children and families. Welcome to our end of school year blog! I would like to take a moment and say a big thank you to all our children for making this school year absolutely amazing. Your hard work, creativity and enthusiasm have truly made a difference. From our fun classroom activities to…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection – Term 4, Week 9 2023

Preschool Learning Reflection – Term 4, Week 8, 2023

Niina marni preschool children and families and welcome to the end of week 9!  We have only a week until the school holidays and only one more week with the children transitioning to reception in 2024. Learning Intention: To support children’s emotional wellbeing as they begin their transition process for reception in 2024, as well…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection – Term 4, Week 8, 2023

Preschool Learning Reflection Term 4 week 7

Niina marni preschool children and families and welcome to our weekly blog. It has been an exciting week as our children began their transition process for reception in 2024. Learning Intention: To support children’s emotional wellbeing as they begin their transition process for reception in 2024, as well as children who will be joining preschool…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection Term 4 week 7