Year: 2023

Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, Week 8

Heita (Hello) Preschool Families and welcome to our week 8 Learning Reflection Learning Intention 1:  To encourage children’s expression of ideas and identity through collaborative visual art/making experiences and mark making.   HARMONY WEEK The theme for harmony week is ‘everyone belongs’ which is very the essence of what we strive for at Holy Family Early…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, Week 8

Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, Week 7

Witam (Hello) Preschool families, welcome to our week 7 reflection. Learning Intention:  To support children’s engagement, development and self-regulation through strengthening their sensory processing capabilities.  Continuing on from our previous learning intention around positive education, we have placed our focus on sensory processing in the aim to support children to self-regulate and ground themselves. Our…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, Week 7

Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, Week 6

Nina Marni Preschool Families, Welcome to our week 6 Reflection. Inquiry Project We continued our investigation stages into living beings and habitats, mad possible through our interactions with Strawberry and other living beings in our local communities. This week, we moved to a new stage of our inquiry and become researchers. Following a discussion around…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, Week 6

Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, Week 5

Xin Chao (Hello) Preschool Families and welcome to our week 5 learning reflection. We continued our inquiry project and shifted the focus to habitats this week. We gained insight into the prior knowledge held by our learners on Monday with the question ‘What is a habitat? With the new knowledge that a habitat is a…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, Week 5

Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, Week 4

Inquiry Project The moment arrived this week and we finally re-homed our beloved Strawberry. On Tuesday Mr McCarthy brought a larger than expected tank to preschool, so some problem-solving took place together to determine the safest space to put it.  This provided us with some time to look at the tank, and re-think some of…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, Week 4

Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, week 3

Shalom (hello) Preschool Families, Welcome to our week 3 learning reflection. Learning Intention 2:  To extend on children’s interest in living beings by designing a new tank for Strawberry the turtle and nurturing children’s love and care for God’s creatures.   Throughout the week, our innovative preschoolers continued to amaze us with their creative and detailed…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, week 3

Learning Reflection, Term 1, week 2

  Learning Intention 1:  To support new children and families to develop a sense of belonging to the Holy Family Early Years learning environments and to develop relationships within their community.   We almost have all self portraits complete and have begun displaying them in our meeting space. It’s wonderful to observe children confidently and proudly…Continue Reading Learning Reflection, Term 1, week 2

Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, Week 1

  Nina Marni Preschool Families, welcome to Holy Family Preschool 2023. We have had such a wonderful start the year and have felt so blessed to reconnect with you and your children.   Learning Intention 1 To support new children and families to develop a sense of belonging to the Holy Family Early Years learning…Continue Reading Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 1, Week 1