Preschool Learning Reflection, Term 3, Week 6 2023.

Dear Preschool families, welcome to our week 6 Blog.

What an eventful week this has been! Children were excited to prepare for ‘Father’s Day’ celebration. They made their gifts to express their love, to show appreciation for their fathers. 


Learning Intention:

To support each child to deepen their emergent number and counting skills, aligning with their individual developmental stage, interest, and dispositions.


  • According to Douglas Clements, a scholar in the field of early mathematics education, “Early math is cognitively fundamental. It’s not just about numbers and shapes. There’s reasoning and thinking embedded in what we do in early mathematics that forms a foundation for years to come.
  • Numeracy is the capacity, confidence, and disposition to use mathematics in daily life.
  • To support children’s understanding numbers, counting, solving number problems, measuring, estimating, sorting, noticing patterns.
  • Children construct mathematical ideas from birth through a combination of cognitive development and interaction with their environment.
  • Supports general cognitive abilities and enables greater persistence in problem solving.
  • Learning to count, identify numbers, and compare and manipulate quantities are key early numeracy skills which can be fostered through play experiences.

Literacy Intentions (our hopes for their learning)

  • Children will develop a joyful connection to picture books.

Story table is one of the most favourite experiences, children enjoy listening to the story with the teacher. The provocations for learning sparks curiosity and increasing engagement. the open ended resources creates the context for children to explore the ideas.



 Children gain confidence in using mark-making tools, such as crayons, textas, pencils, paint, chalk, sand (as they create texts during this process). They will build symbolic functioning, sharing something about the marks they have created.


Inquiry Project.

What we have learnt:

  • Seedlings can grow from seeds without soil/dirt.
  • We need to transfer the seedlings to plant pots/garden to grow the plant.
  • Reasoning and discoveries – learning about the science of plants, animals, weather, the environment, nutrition, and simple construction.
  • Living beings need food, water, air, sunlight to survive.
  • We look after our natural environment.

Children started to research and organise information to start our vegetable garden. They interviewed Angela to know which vegetable would be good for our kitchen. They also drew some of the mentioned  items.

During their community walks, children collected oranges from the orange tree. They made juice for their afternoon tea. 



Children were highly excited to see their beans growing roots and leaves! They initiated to transfer them to the pots.


Construction is an all time favourite experience among preschool children. As they experiment with different shapes and sizes of blocks, they also learn about spatial awareness and problem solving skills. 



  • To support each child to deepen their understanding of measurement.
  • Encouraging children to use comparative language such as big, medium, and small, as well as the terms bigger and smaller.
  • Regular discussion around safety, feelings, and choices.
  • Story tables and props with favourite books.
  • Organising information, tools, resources and equipment to start our vegetable garden.


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