Today all the children  had so much fun dressing up.

Thank you for your enthusiasm with the children costumes.

We would like to share our costumes with you!

Living Things

We have been continuing our learning this week about Living Things.

We have also integrated  this  with Book Making.  Here we have been learning about non fiction text .

We are creating our own non fiction book about an animal we are experts on.

In order to be an expert we need to know 5 true facts about that animal.

Today we thought about our animals Habitat and drew a sketch.

We are also going to make this habitat in a shoe box.

We would like to share some of our sketches.

In order to create our habitats could you please send along an empty shoe shoe as soon as possible.

Life cycles

Today we started our new learning  about Living Things.

We looked at  different  Lifecycles.

We noticed all lifecycles begin as an infant and progress to an adult.

We also remembered from the lifecycles we’ve seen that they are mainly pictures and  have  some writing.

Next we had a try to draw a lifecycle we know about.

All the children used their creativity to produce their lifecycle.


The Mudla Challenge

Today Mr McCarthy took us to the Mudla and set us a  challenge. We had to locate different creatures in the Mudla from some questions.

We did really well and know lots about different creatures.

Theresa:” There were stripes on fish.”

Yasmin: “There are fish we are trying to save.”

Declan: “I learnt about turtles  and other different types of fish.”

Ali: “Some fish have whiskers.”

Emily: “Some fish have whiskers.”

Bodhi: “We had look small fish.”

Mr McCarthy told us that we have special fish called Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon.

They are endangered because they have been eaten by other fish so we are trying to help build up the numbers here in the Mudla at Holy Family.


Measuring using centimetres

Over the past 2 weeks we have continued our learning about measuring using standard measures.

We used class rulers, metre rulers and different measuring tapes.

We also discovered we need to record our learning using cm.

Today we compared different measuring equipment like a class ruler , metre ruler and measuring tape.

Our provocation was; If we use different cm-based measuring equipment would an object always measure the same?

We had a guess then actually tested our provocation and discovered it was yes.

We then used the rulers to measure and record using cm.

Enjoy our learning !

Mary and Mothers Mass

Yesterday we celebrated our Mary and Mothers Mass. We reflected about how   Mary loved Jesus just like our mothers love us.

Father told us Jesus was a little child like us making the same choices we do.

Sometimes Mary  worried because Jesus didn’t tell her where he was going and sometimes he helped Mary around the house doing chores.

We would like to share some parts of our Mass with you.

R/1MA & 3NP Assembly

Hi all

Just a reminder we have a Buddy Assembly this coming Friday 14th August at 9am in the hall.

All the students have an acting or speaking part in the Assembly. 

Please check with your child if they have a reading part as it would be in their bag to practice each night.

Hope to see you there!


Catholic Identity Day

Jesus’s message is a message of love.

We created some images of what Catholic Identity means to us.




“What does love mean?”


Accepting EVERYBODY. Fr Shabu

Caring – said everybody!!!

Two people can come together for love. Zac

I think love means love your friends and family. Portia

I think it means sharing. Nahom

Sharing means play with each other. Mary

Be kindness. Long

Your best friend can be love. Hannah

Being Nice. Simon

Difference means something can hot and cold. William.

Everyone is different and you can be yourself. Zac

Difference means it is ok to help people, even when they are sad. Scarlett

Friends love you a lot. Liya.

You should love people. Chase

Be nice to people. Massa

Say “I like your drawing” Derek

I like to give hugs. Christellar

I love being kind. Yasmin.

I love being kind to my dog. Selina

I Love friends. Hannah

Be kind to your friends. That means be nice. Campbell

Jesus is very nice. Thoa Hien

I love Thoa Hien my friend. Ashley


We read books about love