Week 7 Learning

Dear Families

hoping this post finds you all safe and well.


We  have some learning experiences your child can engage with whilst at home this week.


  1. Book making– writing fiction and non fiction text.  ( paper and pencils )
  2. Reading– continue with reading  library books. I have included some links to stories online your child can enjoy. https://www.storylineonline.net/
  3. Numeracy – General practising, numbers addition, O’clock times using clocks students made practice o’clock times and record. I have included a couple of short clips the students viewed at school.

Checking in

Dear families

Just checking in  and hoping this blog finds you all safe and well.


Now that we have had a few days to  adjust, we want to reassure those whose children were at school on Monday that we did our very best with washing our hands at times during the day and then sanitising in between.  We have followed this practice all year.

Claudia and I will be phoning families  over the next 2 days checking in  and then posting some learning on Monday.

At this stage as far as learning is concerned, we would encourage you to spend time as a family.


Please don’t hesitate to get in contact at any time over the next period via email and we will do our best to answer any questions or concerns you might have as quickly as possible.



Keep safe

Maria and Claudia


Learn with Bricks

Today Ben from Learn with Bricks came to school and worked with our classes.

We used lego to build a snail and fan. Using a  tablet to help us with coding we were able to make them move.

Making Diorama’s

Today  we started  our Living Things  Dioramas.  We all chose an animal we are experts  about.

We firstly wrote and information text and now are making its habitat.

Keep your eye on this post for further developments!




O’clock time


Today we continued our learning about time.

We have been learning about analog time. We have also named the parts of the clock- the face and the hour and minute hands.

Today we had a go at making our own clocks.

Please share our learning.

Included are the learning clips that help us learn o’clock times.


Donut Day


Today all the children  had so much fun dressing up.

Thank you for your enthusiasm with the children costumes.

We would like to share our costumes with you!

Living Things

We have been continuing our learning this week about Living Things.

We have also integrated  this  with Book Making.  Here we have been learning about non fiction text .

We are creating our own non fiction book about an animal we are experts on.

In order to be an expert we need to know 5 true facts about that animal.

Today we thought about our animals Habitat and drew a sketch.

We are also going to make this habitat in a shoe box.

We would like to share some of our sketches.

In order to create our habitats could you please send along an empty shoe shoe as soon as possible.