Friday – Week 1 Term 2

Good Morning Everyone

Please enjoy this song and get yourself ready for the day.

This is one of our favourites – so you might want to dance first.

Record in your journal the weather observation for today and how you are feeling.

C0me Read with me – Find a space to enjoy a book for 15mins

Looking at the calendar and learning for today.

What information can you read from the calendar?

Time for some brain food while we enjoy reading the text.



Shared Reading – Life Cycle of a butterfly

Think and talk about the questions – What is a cycle?

What do we mean by a life cycle?

Look at the figures below

Record using pictures and words the life cycle of a butterfly.

Below is an example of how to record using pictures.

Word Bank: These are words you will need to describe the life cycle.

For example: The eggs are on a leaf.

Life Cycle of a butterfly












Time to find a ball and go outside to play handball.


Go to the PE blog for some fitness ideas


How to play with balls

Start with the basic ball skills – catching, throwing or kicking.

As your child gets better at these skills, you can kick or throw a ball at a target or into a goal, through a hoop or to another person. Just pick an activity that you and your child enjoy.

Try these ideas:

  • Teach your child to catch using a big, soft ball. Start close together and slowly increase the distance between you as your child’s skills improve.
  • Play with soft balls (or a ball of socks) inside with your child. Take turns to throw them into a bucket or laundry basket. You could move the bucket or basket closer when it’s your child’s turn.
  • Take a ball to the playground. Practise kicking it to each other or to a goal or target. Pick an easy target so your child can have a go and feel successful.
  • Take a ball outside and bounce it together. Your child could practise dribbling it like a basketball player, or you could bounce it back and forth to each other.

Recess time


100 Languages of learning

Retell the story of – The Very Hundred Caterpillar using 100 Languages

You can

  • Retell the whole story
  • Part of the story
  • Create the characters

You may choose to use

  • lego
  • collage
  • food
  • puppets
  • make a book
  • threading
  • painting
  • drawing
  • LEGO Inspired Story Retelling of The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  • 60+ Play Ideas Based On The Very Hungry Caterpillar Book By Eric Carle
  • Hungry Caterpillar Flap Book Craft and Free Template -
  • 25 Very Hungry Caterpillar Crafts for Preschoolers
  • Cooking with Kids: The Very Hungry Caterpillar fruit and cheese ...
  • The perfect snack: A very hungry caterpillar - Fat Mum Slim

Lunch time

Mindfulness – Colouring and drawing.


Put on some music and relax and draw/colour for 15mins


Game Time

Time to building upon our collaboration, problem solving, communication skills by playing a game.

  • Uno
  • Board Game
  • Hopscotch
  • Sight words – games (ideas sent in email)
  • Make up a game (use a paper, or a box, ball, socks – be creative) Teach some one who to play your game.
  • Symmetrical art – butterfly

A snap shot of our learning today – Thursday Week 1

Welcome to Thursday

In addition to the blog posted this morning – here is some reflection of our learning today.


After reading our shared text and watching the ‘ar’ clip we made a list of ‘ar’ words.

We talked about the digraph ‘ar’ can be at end or in the middle of a word.

There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Star : P. Crumble ...

The children recorded the ‘ar’ words in their books in a caterpillar shape.

Example of ‘at’ words in a caterpillar shape.

The children went on to write sentence using the ‘ar’ words

Comparison – Building vocabulary through discussion.

By engaging in this task collaboratively we are sharing our ideas and understandings. The children shared many great ideas.

Comparing the apple and orange

Jelly Procedure

Today we made jelly as it was an extension from our discussion about the word ‘dissolving’ yesterday (when we made salt dough)

The. children recorded the procedure in the books and we will enjoying eating the jelly tomorrow when it sets over night.

Making jelly explores learning across many curriculum areas:

  • Numeracy – measurement, ordinals (what happened 1st and then 2nd) and counting
  • Literacy – recording the procedure using words and pictures
  • science – observing change, properties of solids and liquids


A famous artist called Giuseppe Arcimboldo created a pieces of art called Summer, 1573

Summer (2) 1573 by Giuseppe Arcimboldo | Oil Painting | giuseppe ...

This portrait has different summer fruits and vegetables; the cheek is a peach, the chin a pear, the nose a zucchini.

Our Fruit and Vegetable Inspired Art

The children then went on to create a person  or face using other materials in the room.



Before we went home today we reflected upon – what filled our buckets.

Have a lovely night – stay, warm, dry and safe.

Thursday – Week 1 Term 2

Welcome to Thursday


Enjoy the song while you complete your journal entry about the weather and how you are feeling.

The it is time to find a book and a quiet space to enjoy some reading. (15 mins)


Let’s look at the calendar – what information can you see and read?


Now Thursday’s Learning

Literacy Time

Let’s enjoy the shared text, while you have some brain food.

Today we are exploring ‘ar’ words.

You may hear the ‘ar’ at the end which means those words rhyme. For example hat, cat and mat all have the ‘at’ sound at the end.


Challenge for this task – You might hear the ‘ar’ sound in the middle of the word.

Can you make a list of  words which have the ‘ar’ sound in it?

Record the words you discovered on a caterpillar shape. One circle for each words as set out below of the ‘at’ words.

Here are some words to help you








If you have time you can watch the clip below

Recess Time – Time for a run, snack and play

PE – Go to the PE blog site for some fun activities

PE – Sports activities

Shared the Text the Very Hungry Caterpillar


We are going to compare objects from the story.

How are the objects the same?

How are the objects different?

Looking at the apple and orange – lets lists different ways these two objects are the same or different.

The apple is red and has a stem.

You don’t eat the orange peel.

They both are fruit and grow on trees.

What other ideas did you think of – write and draw them in your learning journal. Watch the clip below for another way to record your information.

How many things did you find that are the same or different?

Now lets compare:

A cup cake and a piece of cherry pie


A butterfly and a caterpillar

Time for a brain break

This is a new song, which is lots of fun – stand up and join in the actions.

Lunch – Time for a walk or down time – Enjoy eating your lunch – hope you aren’t going to eat as much as Herman the worm.


A famous artist called Giuseppe Arcimboldo created a pieces of art called Summer, 1573

Summer (2) 1573 by Giuseppe Arcimboldo | Oil Painting | giuseppe ...

This portrait has different summer fruits and vegetables; the cheek is a peach, the chin a pear, the nose a zucchini.

At home clean a space in your kitchen if your family say it is OK and use fruit and vegetables to create a face.

(make sure the bench top is clean and be careful with the fruit and vegetables so you can use the again after the task)

Draw a picture of the creation.


Use pictures of fruit and vegetables from food catalogues to create a profile picture or a fantasy face.


Draw different fruit or vegetables to create a person.

At school we will be using black paper and oil pastels.



What filled your bucket today and why?

Record using pictures in words in your journal.



Wednesday’s Discoveries – Term 2 – week 1

Journal Recording

I am so proud of the way the children have made this part of their morning routine. After organising their belongings the children find their journal and begin their recording. This task also gives the children time to chat with their peers and settle in for the day. It also gives me the opportunity to chat with children about their feelings, revisiting concepts of days of the week and challenging children to add details, such as words to their recording.

When the song is finished the children move into Come read with me.


Shared Text – Reading strategies

After come read she shared the above text.

Different children had the opportunity to read.

Strategy Focus:

  • What clues can we see in the picture for the unknown word?
  • What letter sound does the word start with?
  • What other letter sounds can I see in the word which I might know?
  • If I say a word does it make sense?

Great reading everyone


Day and Night Discussion

Salt Dough Reflection

Elnathan – It was fun to make things with it and it was so soft

Alexa – It like trying to make bread dough but actually you are making toys and  stuff you can put on shelves.

Kalil – It was soft.

Jordan – It was really soft so you can make with in.

Hendrix – It was squishy.

Felipe – It felt satisfying  because of the flour.

Emily – I like making the things with the dough.

McKayla – I like making pancake and lollipops.

Eann – It  is like play dough.

Jerry – I made a present.

Laura – I was making five things instead of four.

‘Bior – I made a snowman.


Play Investigations – Where did our ideas take us today………

Specks of Gold – Always nice to finish our day reflecting upon our specks of gold.

I recorded the children reflections while they drew in their journals.

Have a wonderful night – see you tomorrow.

Wednesday – Week 1 Term 2

Welcome to Wednesday

Please enjoy this song while finding a space to complete your journal entry about the weather and how you are feeling today.

Journal Entry – Complete – chart or sheet, under Wednesday.

When the song has finished please find a book and a space to start reading. Don’t forget your learning buddy.

Come Reading  – 15 mins


It is time to find a piece of fruit or something for a brain break while we share the book below

Shared Text –  What is the weather like today?
Can you help me read the book?

Class Discussion

Day and Night

Talk about the following questions.

What do you do during the day time?

What do you do at night time?

Do you do different things?

Does the moon just come out at night?

What do you know about day and night time?

Record your ideas in your learning journal using pictures and words.


Find a quiet place to enjoy as story – you may like to check out Vooks – which have some great animated stories (You need to sign up but I think it is free at the moment)


Salt Dough

  • Read the salt dough recipe

You will need-

1 cup of Salt
2 cups of flour

3⁄4 cup of water


  1. In a large bowl mix salt and flour together.
  2. Gradually stir in water. Mix well until it forms a doughy consistency.
  3. Turn the dough onto the bench and kneed with your hands until smooth and combined.
  4. Make your creations using the salt dough.

Place the salt dough creations into the oven at 180C. The amount of time needed to bake depends on the size and thickness of the salt dough creations

  • Find the ingredients for salt dough
  • Make the salt dough
  • Can you make a very hungry caterpillar? Can you make the different foods the caterpillar ate?
  • After you clean up

  • Write and draw the recipe
  • Record reflection in your book (answer the questions below)
  • What is a solid? What is a liquid? What happened when these things mixed together? Did you have any problems to solve? What did it feel like?

Link to watch how to make if needed:

Salt Dough Recipe

Lunch Time – Enjoy some time to rest, run, eat and play.

Play Investigations

Play Investigations is a time in the classroom where the children use agency to guide their own learning. They use the tools/ resources in the environment to explore, create, make and wonder about the world around them.

  • Art/craft(painting, cutting, sticking, collage, pencils, textas) – think about planning first – draw a picture of what you might create.
  • Socio-dramatic play(can you set up a shop/ restaurant/ vet / doctors surgery etc with simple tools/ toys from around the home- add in tools to write / create in this space- keep it going for the whole week before you may switch it up – if interest is still there keep it going but add different things to provoke thinking, learning, engagement)
  • Construction play(lego, blocks, trains, cardboard boxes, wood work
  • STEM challenges
    • Make Marble run game from lego
    • Build a cubby for your learning buddy
    • Construct a bridge between two chairs that can hold your learning buddy
    • Make a sculpture from things from the kitchen
    • Design and a make a container which can keep a fresh egg safe if it is dropped from a height of 2 metres.
    • Design and make a container which can hold your pencils for learning.
  • Caterpillar art and craft ideas – there are lots of ideas on line.
  • Go on a pretend picnic


What was your speck of gold today? Record in y0ur journal using pictures and words.

Have a nice evening – see you tomorrow.

Reflection upon learning on Tuesday – Week 1

Reflection upon our learning tasks today:

Literacy -Mini Books

The children explored the key concepts during this task:

  • Consolidation of reading and writing high frequency words.
  • Punctuation: Including full stops and capital letters in their writing.
  • Spacing in between words.
  • Including a descriptive word in their sentence (big, little)
  • Children explored additional adjectives and nouns to use in their writing.


After  we watched the clip below and talked about adjective and nouns (we will continue this learning next week)



Numeracy Exporation

The children were consolidating their understanding of :

  • Addition  – what is addition? What is the symbol we use? What does it mean to add two numbers together?
  • Subtraction – What is subtraction? What is the symbol we use? What does it mean when we take something away?
  • Counting – one to one correspondence
  • Exploring patterns in numbers.
  • Quick math – addition to 10
  • Mathematical symbol – equal =
  • Vocabulary : more, less, equal.


Children worked independently during this task and their learning was scaffolded through questions and specific tasks


We had fun playing fruit salad and duck, duck goose before it was time for Spanish.

The children demonstrated wonderful sportsmanship during these games as they include everyone and cheered each other on.

Play Explorations

Before we begun play explorations today we went for a walk around the piazza to look for different leaves on the ground.

When we came back into the classroom we sorted the leaves into different groups after we discussed the different properties of the leaves.

We made three groups.

  • A group of red leaves.
  • A groups of long leaves.
  • A group of small leaves.

Some of the children used the leaves in their play provocations.


Have a good night and we will see you tomorrow – stay safe.

Tuesday – Week 1 Term 2



Time for our morning song : While the song is playing it is time to get organised for the day and fill out your weather and feelings Journal.

(The chart for the week should be ready to go – so complete  the weather and how you are feeling today, Tuesday, using picture and words)


Come Read with me

Choose a book from your black bag or a book from home to read.

Today read with your learning buddy. Where are you going to read in your house today?

Calendar and Tuesday’s Learning – what are we doing today?



Enjoy a piece of fruit or something for a brain break, while you listen to the story.

Shared Text – The Very Hungry Caterpillar 


Literacy Activities

  • Mini Books

Think of animals and objects which are small – write a list.

For example – flower, leaf, bug, mouse

Think of animals and objects which are big – write a list

For example – tree, bear, house, car


  • Create a mini book with the sentence

Look at the small bug.

Here is a small dog.

Look at the big tree.

Here is a big car.

  • Challenge – extension– use the word ‘and’ in the sentence and also descriptive words/

Look at the small green leaf and the big red car.

Draw pictures in your books.


Mini Math – 

  • Begin with counting food and writing the number.


  • Then move into Addition and Subtraction – using number to 10 – Find 10 objects (coins, pencils)

Record problems





Can you see a pattern? – Find 10 objects (coins, pencils, sticks etc)

Addition is making a number bigger.

Subtraction is taking things away.

  • Challenge– working with numbers to 20 in the same way

Reception – maths-booklet-to-support-teaching-on-the-very-hungry-caterpillar


  • Check out the Blog

Spanish Blog



  • Take 5 minutes to sit quietly and concentrate on your breathing – put some relaxing music on
  • Lay flat in a comfortable, quiet place, close your eyes, with your learning buddy.
  • Focus on the music and your breathing

Play Investigation

  • Go for a walk outside and collect some leaves. Don’t forget to take your learning buddy with you.
  • Can you sort your leaves into groups?
  • Tell me about your group? Draw your group.
  • Can you sort the leaves in order of size?
  • Can you make a leaf person – art
  • Can you draw a leaf – look closely at all the lines and shapes of the leaf.
  • Here are some ideas below – have fun and get creative.

Leaf People

Line Drawing Of Leaves at GetDrawings | Free download

Journal Writing

  • What are you grateful for – record using pictures and words in your journal.

Monday – Week 1 – Term 2

A big hello and welcome to learning in Term 2 in R1 MR.

You might be at home or at school so lets start our day as we always do with a song.

If you are are at home click on the link below or listen to a quiet song as we get ready to begin our day together.

Now it is time to find a place to read – Where will it be today?

Come Read with me

Choose a book from your black bag or your library and find a space. (15mins)

Brain Break – Find a piece of fruit and lets look at our calendar


Today we are introducing the Journal recording. –

What is the weather today?

Look at the Word map below to find words and pictures to describe today.

Look at the feelings chart

Organisation – Journal (At home please use the Making Connections book or another book you may have)

At home: Copy and finish the sentences below OR Copy the table example OR print out the sheet

Weather and Feelings Journal

Today is                     .

Weather –  It is                    .

Feelings – I am feeling                  .

(Journal can be completed using words and/or pictures)

(More  time is given today to set up and talk about the weather and feelings journal – from tomorrow the children will be encouraged to complete the chart as part of their organisation while the morning song is playing.

Time for a brain break and get moving with a Go Noodle

Shared Text

What is the weather like today?




Shared Text – The Very Hungry Caterpillar


Days of the week Activity


What did the caterpillar eat on each day?

The children can choose how they wish to represent their understanding through recording using pictures. words and sentences.




Please click on the link below to access the music curriculum

Music Blog

Continue – Days of the week task.

Add in additional detail – words, pictures, sentences.

LUNCH – Time to have a break, eat some food and have some free time


  • Yoga sequence
  • Focus on slow movement and breathing. Holding each pose. Repeat sequence.

Play Investigations – we will begin investigations with a walk outside and then the children will choose from the provocations listed.

  • Mini Beast Hunt Outside
  • What did you find? What does it eat? What is in its habitat?

Provocations back in the room

  • Draw or write about what we found outside
  • Research mini beast using books – Record your discoveries using pictures and words.
  • Painting
  • Mini world – bugs in the log area
  • Bug drawing – using black felt tip markers and water wash
  • Bug box construction
  • Free choice play

During this time you may like to reflect about your Easter and time with your family.

Or make a Poppy as we celebrated Anzac Day during the holidays

Journal Writing

  • Reflect on what you have done today in both words and pictures.

What did you like doing today?

Jordan: I liked playing soccer.

Kalil: I liked playing with Kobi.

Felipe: I liked playing with the bugs.

Hendrix: I liked playing with the bugs.

Elnathan: I liked playing soccer with Jordan and Kalil.

Jerry: I liked playing a game.

Alexa: I liked looking in the holes and at the bugs.

Jed: I liked the drawing, when I was drawing a spider with Elnathan and Jordan. I liked looking for bugs.

Owen: I liked  playing with my friends.

Eann: I liked to play tag.

McKayla: I liked playing soccer.

Bior: I liked playing

Senay: I liked to play with bugs.

Photos from our learning today (and the mini beasts we found)

Week 10 – Friday

Good Morning Everyone

Good Morning from Mrs Rodgers

Today is the last day for Term 1 –

The children start 3 weeks of school holidays from next week. Next week there are 4 pupil free days and Friday is a public holiday.

Over the holidays please remember  – there is learning in all that we do and that play is the highest form of research.

Enjoy the time to relax, be together  and play.

Here is a great clip to watch which explains the virus and how we can keep safe.

We hope Keth and Bior have a wonderful time celebrating their birthdays during the holidays.


We will begin our numeracy time by exploring word problems.

It is important for children to understand that symbols and words is information needed to solve numeracy problems.

As we read the word problem we talked about the important information we need to use to solve the problem.

For example – The number 10 and the number 3 are important and the word altogether means addition.

10 + 3 = 13

Then we explored subtraction problems and talked about the different words used.

We then had a turn at telling our own word problems around the circle, while Mrs Rodgers wrote them down.

For example: I am feeling very hungry so I ate 3 donuts at recess time and then 5 donuts at lunch. How many donuts did I eat all together?

We will talk about key words – ‘all together’ which tell us it is an addition problem. It tells us we are bringing things together.


At school I had 10 donuts and I ate 5 at recess. How many donuts do I have left?  The word ‘ate’ tells us that we are taking something away.

Numeracy Investigations

The children were encourage to explore addition and subtraction using counters, dice and number cards.

The children recorded their understanding in their books. This is also a time to challenge ourselves and see if we can use numbers to 20.


Easter Story

My Easter egg Hunt

I had a go at filming myself reading the book today.

I tried to send it through but the file is a bit big so I will try and sort it out today.

Easter egg hunts are fun – but so are scavanger hunts – so I attached one for you to do.


Easter Craft

Bunny – Paper Folding

Easter Card – Make card for a friend, neighbour or someone in your family

Tissue Paper Cross

Standing Bunny Card

Easter egg – pattern painting

At home you might like to explore the above activities or google Easter craft activities to find something creative to make.

Gratitude: Make something for someone to say Thank you or that you are thinking about them.


Yoga – Cosmic Kids

Shared Text

Game Time

The children played a range of games where they used their learning dispositions of

  • Problem Solving
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Negotiation

Games included:

  • Marble Run
  • Uno
  • Lunch box game
  • drawing


At the end of the day we drew rainbows.

In this time of uncertainty I wanted to finish our day with the children drawing a rainbow on which I wrote – ‘Everything will be OK’ and a prayer.

Wishing you all a safe and special time together over the holidays.

#stayhome and #staysafe

Photos from our day at school

  • Dancing
  • Numeracy
  • Craft
  • Card making
  • Rainbow drawing with Buddies

Dancing in the morning Dancing in the Morning


Dancing in the morning

Photos from our day:


Fun Activities for the Holidays

  • Building cubby houses
  • Reading book and signs
  • Cooking
  • Drawing pictures
  • Making maps
  • Board games
  • playing outside with balls, hop scotch
  • Cosmic kids yoga
  • Building a zoo
  • Making a shop
  • Set up a restaurant
  • Write a letter or card
  • Pyjama day
  • Movie day

Don’t forget the learning from home blog – with links to websites.

Happy Easter from Mrs Rodgers