Monday – Week 8 – Learning from Home and School

Good Morning and Welcome to Monday  – Week 8

We will post our learning this morning as we are unsure about how many people will continue to be learning from home today

Then at the end of the day we will upload photos of learning from school.

Cone Read with Me

Find a comfortable place to read for 15mins.

Can you find these words in your book today:








Connecting in the classroom during reading time:


Our Learning


Our Calendar

Reading information from calendar:

Annabelle: One for week until the holidays.

Laura: Two more days until it is laptop and bike day.

Jordan: Tomorrow is the first day of Summer.

Elnathan: Today is the last day of November.

Noah:One more day until it is sports day for RHA.

Esrom: After tomorrow it is December.

Kalil: On Wednesday it will be bike day and laptop.


Shared Text

Book Making

Christmas book  – crafting technique  – Flaps

Can you add flaps to your book today.

Remember when it is time to write your sentence –

Think  – Say – Write

Also stretch out your words you are unsure how to write and listen and write the sounds you can hear.

Literacy Photos


Play Investigations

Christmas Theme Provocations

Here are two of the ideas put out today.

A tissue paper wreath


Santa and Rudolph puppets

There are many ideas on the internet – why not have a look and we would love to see what you create at home.

Activities in the classroom included:

Nativity small world play


Collage with stars and cellophane

Paper chains – count down until Christmas

Kinetic sand

Pop stick stars

Christmas Props

R1MR – Music

RHA – Library

Lunch – Time of a break and a run outside

R1 – Music

R1 MR – Numeracy

Discuss the following questions – predict the answer.

R1MR played the heads and tails game and then we moved into exploring the colour/number spinners

This is what we noticed:


Home Bonus activity – you might like to explore the below activity:



Game Time

Rudolph Drawing

Have a wonderful evening – stay safe


Friday- Week 7 – Home and School Learning

Welcome to Friday

What a warm day it is going to be! Hello to all our friends learning from home.

What are some of the ways you have been keeping cool at home?

We would love you to share your learning and pictures from home if you can.

Come Read with Me

Let’s revisit the Days of the Week

Home Learning:

Can you write out the days of the week?

Do you have a favourite day? Why

Days of the week

Home Learning:

Home Learning:

Next to the days of the week record what the very hungry caterpillar ate on each day.

Months of the year

What do we use a calendar for?

Harper: My Daddy uses a calendar for when he goes goes to work and when he doesn’t go to work.

Adum: Calendars are important because there is little symbols on them and they tell you what to do and what not to do.

Hendrix: Calendar are for it is someones birthday and you have to clean your house.

Kunal: At my calendar at home there is Amen.

Mason: My calendar has numbers and days of the week and the year and spring and summer and autumn and winter.

Kevin: I saw my calendar.

Tyler: It is November.

Home Learning:

Which month is your birthday in? What about the other members of your family.

Do you have a calendar at home to look at?


Today we are going to talk about Advent.

Advent is a Latin word that actually means “coming.” In the Christian church, advent is time of preparation and waiting for the birth of Jesus. Advent officially begins four Sundays before Christmas

Home Learning:

Can you draw or make your own Advent wreath. There are lots of creative ideas on the internet.

Don’t forget to include the words

Hope – Peace – Joy and Love on the candles.

Fitness at School

We went for a walk before it got too hot around the oval and through the school. Along the way we did some fun actions and hopping and jumping.

Home Learning:

Do you have a ball at home?

How many times you can throw and catch  a ball.

How many time can you bounce a ball.

Can you throw the ball into the air and clap before you catch it.

Can you bounce it to a partner?

Can you throw it to a partner?

Can you play handball or make up a game to play at home.

Science at school and at home.

Representing light

Can you think of all the things that make light.

Tyler: The Sun

Tesi: A solar panel

Owen: A torch

Harper: A lamp

Kevin: The switch

Adum: From electricity

Ellara: From the lights

Tina: Fire

Tyler: Lava

McKayla: Lights

Avelyn: A phone

Eann: A light bulb

Kanal: In the Christmas tree

Senay: Lava

Alexis: The Christmas lights

Hendrix: Sun and fire

Jordan: Firefly


From the





Car lights


Were some more ideas we found from the story.

These thing can make  made man or natural light.

Share your learning with us using 100 languages:

Can you write, construct, paint what you know about light.

Play Investigations

At school:

Spinning wheels


Post Office




Home learning: Make play dough

Spinning wheels

Some of the children have been having fun making spinners at school.


Game Time

This afternoon we enjoyed some mindfulness, board games and reading time.

Home learning:

Do you have any board games or cards at home to play with.

Maybe you can make up a game with a pack of cards or some paper.

Home Learning Literacy

Building words and Handwriting tasks

You might like to down load the worksheets below to engage in some additional literacy learning




Have a wonderful weekend  – stay safe



Thursday Week 7 – Home and School Learning

Good Morning

Welcome to another lovely and sunny day in R1MR and RHA. Don’t forget to check in if you are learning at home VIA blog or email in the morning.

Come Read with Me

Let’s start the day like usual with come read with me. Where are you going to read your book this morning?

Who were the characters in your story?

What was the setting of the story – where did the story take place?

Our Calendar

Owen – It is laptop and bike day.

Tina – It’s Thursday and we have sport.

Laura – 7 more days until shared lunch day.

Mckayla – one more sleep, it’s my Mum’s birthday tomorrow.

Adum – 7 more days till dining hall.

Mason H – it is spring.

Our Timetable


For Literacy today you can choose if you would like to make a book or practice some alphabet activities – maybe writing out all of your letters in order.

Play Investigations

Today for play investigations we are continuing the Post Office Theme – continue on with what you have been doing this week!


Take a look at some of our creations this afternoon:

Wednesday – Week 7 – Learning at Home and at School


Welcome to learning at home and  at school.

We will continue to post the blog at the beginning of the day for everyone to engage in activities during the day. We hope everyone is doing well at home and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Library Closed

R1 MR will keep their books for another day as the library was closed today.

Gallery of Home Learning

Please send in any photos from home learning you wish to share. Thank you

Come Read with Me

Home Learning: Retell your book to your family

Parents/caregiver/older siblings  – Please ask the following questions –

What happened first

Then what happened

How did the book end?

What characters were in the story?

What was the setting of the story – where did the story take place?

Come Read with me is a time for connections in the morning – with literacy, our learning space and our friends.

Our calendar

What information can you read from our calendar?

Esrom – it’s Wednesday November 25th. 

Adum – tomorrow is laptop and bike day. 

Mikayla – it’s nearly my mums birthday, its on the 27th. 

Our Learning

Shared Text – Continuing on our theme of Post Office/Mail we read the text: Meerkat Mail today

RHA – Literacy Rotations and Book making

R1 MR -Book Making: Information Text – Meerkats

We shared some information about Meerkats.

Then we recalled some of the information to create an information text.

After we wrote some information we created the title page.

(after lunch we will be drawing a Meerkat to create a labelled diagram)

Home Learning:

Design a postcard and write a message to someone

Front: Draw a picture

Back: Write a message


Research an animal of choice and create an information text.

(Remember to read the information and then create your own sentences. We are all authors and we don’t copy other authors)



Move and Freeze

R1 MR – Library

RHA – Numeracy

Data Collection

Home Learning: Numeracy

Ask the people in your house their favourite fruits (they can pick two)

Draw a picture of all the fruit everyone likes and then sort into a line – that is how you create a graph.

Sort the information into a graph  – there is an example below.

Play Investigations at home today

Maybe you might like to make  a restaurant.

Ask your family is you can set the table (numeracy)

Then make a menu of the food you would like to serve.

Play Investigations at school



RHA – Numeracy

R1Mr – Drawing a Meerkat

Label the meerkat to create a labelled diagram for our information text.

Scavenger Hunt  – At home

R1 MR – Numeracy

Mr DePalma came in our class to support us during our numeracy time as we investigated Chance/ probability.

We talked about and drew a continum starting with what -won’t happen – to the other end -what will happen and the different words to describe this and events that fit into the different categories.

Have a lovely night  – stay safe

Tuesday Learning – Week 7

Good Morning!

Welcome to day 4 of learning from home and school.

Don’t forget that if you are learning from home today we would love you to check in with us VIA blog reply or email.

Come Read with Me

This morning, take the chance to read a book in a comfortable spot.

Who is the character in your book? What made you choose this book? Would you recommend this book to your friend? Why?


Bior – Next week on Thursday 3rd it is Dining Hall.
Esrom – Today is November 24th and it’s Tuesday.

What were the different things that the postman delivered
Adum – the postman delivers a calque for the witch.
Tesi – a birthday card
Harper – a postcard

Shared Text


What were the different things that the postman delivered
Adum – the postman delivers a calque for the witch.
Tesi – a birthday card
Harper – a postcard

Bookmaking / Literacy

Today for bookmaking, can you include any flaps or letters like the Jolly Postman book?

Who is the character in YOUR book? What would make a friend pick up YOUR book?


Play Investigations

Continuing the Post Office Theme.

If you wrote a letter for play investigations yesterday, today maybe you could create your own post office and role play being the post man.

OR if you made a post office yesterday, maybe you could write a letter to a friend.


Brain Break

Get your body moving and give your brain a break so you are ready for learning this afternoon.

R1MR Numeracy/science

Planting Grass Heads – do you have any supplies at home that you could use to get outside and do some gardening?


Bucket Filling

Harper – I filled Owen’s bucket by playing him in the center. It filled my bucket too.

Tina – playing in the centre with my friends.

Elnathan – Jordan filled my bucket by playing with me.

Owen – I filled Harper’s bucket when I played with her.

Keth – My friends filled my bucket because they were playing with me and helping me to do handstands and cartwheels.

Kalil – I filled Jordan’s bucket by playing with him.

Kunal – I filled someone’s bucket. I played with Tyler.

Felipe – I filled Kalil’s bucket by using him on my oral presentation.

Kalil – Felipe filled my bucket by playing with me and helping me.

Eann – Senay and Bior filled my bucket when I was playing with Calvin.

Esrom – Elnathan filled my bucket because he was playing with me.

Kevin – Jordan fills my bucket every day when he plays with me.



Monday Week 7 Learning

How things can change quickly - welcome back to learning at school and at home for our families with siblings at TMC, and those families affected by the quarantines relating to Lyell McEwin Hospital Emergency Department – 5.30 pm 13 November to 8.00 am 14 November and The Aquadome Elizabeth – 11.00am – 1.30pm 14 November).

Welcome to Learning at School and at Home

As long as we have children learning from home we will be posting the blog in the morning so everyone can engage in learning together.  At the end of the day we will post photos from school and the ones shared from home.

Thank you Annabelle for sharing your photos from home learning. It looks like you had a busy day engaging with all the acitivities.

The Calendar

What information can you read from our calendar?

Our Learning at school

Come Read with Me

Where are you going to read your book today? On the couch or on the trampoline maybe.

How many Full stops can you find in your book today?

Do you see any questions marks?

How many capital letters can you find?


Write them down the words you found.

Sort the word that start with a capital letter into groups

Proper Noun  – Start of a sentence – Title


Shared Text

Time to find some brain food and enjoy the book today


Learning today is all about this story: Postman Bear

Literacy Tasks

Draw  a Bear and label the body parts:







Challenge: Write a sentence describing your bear.

Here is Mrs Rodgers’ drawing and sentence:

The little  bear has soft brown fur.


Alliteration Challenge: Can you write a sentence using alliteration

My sentence: The big, brown bear rode his black bike to the beach.

Book Making


If you have paint you might like to paint a bear.


Make a paperboy bear puppet

Song Time – Brain Break

Sing the song with your puppet


Make a Post Box or Post Office (Play Investigations)

– Find a box and cut a hole to make it into a post/letter box or make a Post Office – there are some examples below

Family or Classroom Postal Service: Encourage Writing by Sending Mail! - Frugal Fun For Boys and GirlsKitchen Floor Crafts: Cardboard Post Office

Post Box Pretend Play - The Imagination Tree | Post box craft, Post box, Imagination tree25 Pretend Play Ideas - Bright Star Kids

Writing a Letter (Literacy)

Today let’s write a Thank you letter for someone in your family to thank them for something they have done for you.

You can:

Copy some words

Draw a picture

Write a letter

How do you start a letter and how do we finish a letter?

Can you use the words


Thank you

Love from

Mrs Rodger wrote a thank you letter to her daughter Ella.


Make an envelope (Numeracy)

Find or cut a square piece of paper and follow the instructions to make an envelope

OR follow the you tube clip

Put you letter in your envelope.


Design a stamp (Art)

When you post a letter you need to put a stamp on the from of your envelope.

Stamps are often a collection

Design a collection of stamps

Your collection could be

  • hearts
  • people
  • flowers
  • cars
  • super heroes

Here is an example of a heart collection:

Talk with you family about sending a real letter to someone

If you send a real letter to someone  you will need an address and a real stamp. 🙂


Play Investigations

The Post Office (HASS)

In our community.

Below is a clip about – What happens to a letter when we post if.

Let’s finish our day with another fun story: The Jolly Postman

You might want to create a book with flaps and pockets like the books we shared today.

Numeracy Challenge: Chance

As a group we looked at the fish in the bowl and then we answered the following questions.

Looking at the fish below which fish might I catch?

Look at the two fish below: Which fish do you have the most chance of catching ? Why?

Which two fish do you have the same chance of catching?

Which fish do you have the least chance of catching?

Which fish won’t you catch? Why ?

Draw the fish in a fish bowl to make this sentence true:

I will catch a blue fish.




Have a lovely night  – Miss Andersen and Mrs Rodgers

Home Learning Gallery


We love sharing your photos from home as it is a way to connect with each other.

Great learning at home Kalil. Looks like you have Dangler helping you again.

Here is Jordan with his learning buddy and completed mapping and scavenger hunt task. Yesterday Jordan was busy writing a book – he was up to page 25. I can’t wait to see how his story ends !


Felipe has been busy colouring at home. Felipe has also got the new series of DogMan Books which has been enjoying reading.



Owen had been busy at home. He made a book about a day trip to the waterpark with spongebob square pants. He completed his numeracy booklet on numbers, made a lego motorbike track and a thank you card for Grandma for letting him eat her icecream when he goes to visit.


Here is Alexis doing some writing at home. Her story was about her learning buddy Rapunzel climbing down a tower.















Here is Lucas with some of his numeracy learning, he made a number book and a tower of number blocks.

Here is Noah doing some writing with his Learning Buddy keeping him company.

Elnathan sent through the scavenger hunt he did around the house and some mapping tasks:



Fantastic Work everyone

Learning from Home – Day 2 [Friday wk6]

Hi Everyone,

Firstly, thank you for your hard work and patience while we learn from home. It has been lovely hearing from lots of you over the last few days.

We would still like to encourage you to check in daily via email or blog – this does not have to be detailed, just a quick ‘hi’ and update of how you and your family is coping.

We would also love to see any of your child’s work so please send us any photos if you can and we will share it on the blog if you wish.

Celebrating Online Learning from Yesterday:

Here is some things that some of the people in R1MR and RHA achieved in their learning yesterday:

This was just the start of Jordan's book :)

Getting ready for learning:

Can you find:

  • Pencils or something to write and draw with.
  • A book or paper
  • Books to read
  • Music (for listening, dancing, relaxing)
  • and your learning buddy

This way you can have everything ready to go for the day of learning, just like if you were at school.


Let’s start the day with another class favourite Pete the Cat! can you sing the words to your family?

Come Read with Me

We always make time for reading every morning in RHA and R1 MR so please do the same at home. Find a quiet space and a book to read with a family member or yourself.

This morning, Miss Andersen sat outside in the shade with 2 Learning buddies! Ben and her dog called “Pudding”.  She read one of her favorite books to them – The Magic Beach by Alison Leister

Can you find these words in your book today:











Brain Food + Shared text


Now is the time to have some brain food – something like fruit or yogurt – and enjoy this story from Storyline Online.


Moving into bookmaking – you have a few choices today.

If you started a book yesterday about your learning buddy that you would like to continue, you can do that today.

OR you can have free choice book making like we do in class.

Don’t forget all the things we usually talk about like adding lots of detail, sounding out and adding as many words as you can, adding pictures to your story and any of the bookmaking crafts that you would like to experiment with.

We would love to see some writing from this class to send in for Holy Family Writes that is published fortnightly.


Brain Break

Time to get your body moving and give your brain a break. See if you can follow along with Young Dylan and his dance.



Make your own Number book.

Today’s numeracy task is to make your own number book. This might look different for everyone, is up to you how you would like to put this together.

Start with numbers 1-10 and if you would like to go further you can add as many pages on as you like.

Here are Miss Andersen’s pages for 4 and 5. She included 4 butterfly stickers on her 4 page and wrote the number 5, 5 times on her 5 page.

You could also do some drawings, add some things from in the garden (leaves), have a tally, cut+paste collage or anything else you can think of for each page, count out how many you need for each page.

Challenge: Can you add addition sums to each of your number pages with a sum that equals the number on your page?

Play Investigations

Today for Play Investigations, you have some choices:

  1. Construction play – lego, blocks, trains, cardboard boxes, wood work. What can you create today?
  2. Cooking – work together to create something delicious for your family to enjoy.
  3. STEM Challenge – construct a bridge between two chairs that can hold your learning buddy using everyday things from around the house.

Send through a photo of tour creation from today.


Take some time to enjoy lunch with your family and remember to make sure you have enough to eat to give your brain and body lots of energy!



Take some time after lunch to relax and ground yourselves for the rest of the day’s learning.

Follow along with the little ball in the video – breath in, hold and breath out.


Let’s finish the day with a reflection – Sharing Kindness

Make a card to say thank you to someone who has helped you this week – maybe someone in your family who has been looking after you. Don’t forget to write your message on the inside!

What things do you have from around the house to make your card with? do you have any stickers, textas or anything extra that you could add to make your card extra special? Don’t forget to take a photo of your card before you give it to the recipient so we can enjoy it too!


Have a lovely night with your family and keep safe 🙂

Miss Andersen and Mrs Rodgers


Resources for Home Learning Online

Home Learning

Addition to the blog here are some links or other ideas you may wish to explore online.


Oxford Owl – has lots of online levelled books to read online

Click on the link below

Oxford Owl – Home

PBS kids is a fun website

Click on the link below

PBS kids


Cosmic Kids Yoga   – time to relax and enjoy this website.

Lots of fun doing yoga through stories

Click on the link below

Cosmic Kids


ABC Splash – games

Links to all curriculum areas and year levels

Click on the link below

ABC Splash – games

YouTube Read Aloud – Brightly Storytime

The YouTube Channel Brightly Storytime have a whole range of read aloud picture books – take a look if you are looking for additional reading resources.