Our Last Day of Reception

Dear Families,

We would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the amazing year we have shared together. Watching each of your children blossom throughout this year, not only academically but also as confident, brave and respectful people has been so special to us. We thank you for the trust that you have given us in teaching your children and wish you all a safe and happy holiday period shared with loved ones.

We spent our last day celebrating a fantastic year of reception together which involved lots of  laughter and dancing!

With Love,

Farah and Elle






Week 7 (RCC)

Hello RCC families and children, welcome to our weekly blog!

This week, in English, students used descriptive words to create sentences. We also reviewed heart words, sounds, digraphs, CVC,  sentence structures. Children also explored:

  • Greeting cards – purpose and reader  – noticing differences between cards
  • Crafting illustrations and borders
  • Letter writing – to different people in school
  • Letter writing – to Santa
  • Post cards
  • Class letter box
  • Salutations – greetings/sign offs for letters and cards



In Maths, children learned to

  • identify left and right.
  • name positions in a race and queue using first, second, third
  • use the words ‘in front’ and ‘behind’ to label a position in a race or queue
  • they used small world play and blocks to create their town and enjoyed to program the beebot to move in different directions
  • as the beebot is moving, they narrated its position
  • said a sentence about its position once it has stopped moving

In Technology, the children finished off 3D model of a playground using recycled materials.



The Arts: The children created their own set of dinosaur movements. They turned these movements into short motifs which linked together to create a dance, performed to a piece of music. They also continued practicing songs for Carol’s Night.

Students are able to:

  • Develop the ability to create movements to music;
  • Practise movements and join them together to create a motif;
  • Practise and improve a dance motif;
  • Work as a team to create a short dance;
  • Remember and perform a short dance.

In Religious Education, we discussed that Christmas day is celebrated by Christians all over the world as the day of the birth of Jesus. We watched a video and discussed about the different people involved in the birth of Jesus.

Have a wonderful weekend !

Week 6 in REB

Hello REB Families, welcome to our week 6 Blog.


This week in English we:

-revised the diagraphs ‘ee’ ‘oi’ ‘oy’ ‘ay’ and ‘ai’. We used these sounds to build words together

-Read ‘Grandpa Grandpa’ in shared reading

-Finished off our surprise for our families. (Please keep any eye out on your letter boxes next week)

-engaged with word building rotations



This week in Maths we introduced our new unit on positioning where we:

-learnt lots of words to describe the position of ourselves and objects

-worked together to make pictorial maps, to use with beebots next week



This week in HASS we were very fortunate to have a special visitor- Trent Hill who is a is an Indigenous storyteller, educator and guide who has worked at Adelaide Botanic Garden for more than 10 years. . Trent shared traditional artefacts with us and even played some cultural music. We documented our new discoveries through drawings.



Week 5 in Reb

Dear Families,

This week in English we:

-engaged with word investigations with the focus on heart words: back, all, make, made and look

-read ‘Monster’s Party’ in shared ready

-learnt about prefixes and suffixes

-made our own rhyming book, influenced by Dr Suess

-Focused on the front cover of cards and began making Christmas cards for our loved ones.

-worked in groups for word building rotations

This week in Maths we:

-finished up our unit on measurement, focusing on duration and sequencing


In HASS we:

-Read ‘Billy Goats Gruff’ and designed and made a bridge that was free standing.


In Science we: continued our weather journals. We have noticed that the weather has been very unpredictable lately and have discovered that it can rain even when it’s hot!


In Religion we: discussed what makes Jesus special and how we can use his teachings in our daily life.

In Health we: learnt that it is ok to say no to people sometimes and acted out different scenarios where the word no could be used.




Week 5 (RCC)

Dear RCC families and children, welcome to our weekly blog!

This week in English, we learned and reviewed :

  • Poem: Daisy the Snail, The Coin & Donkey and Monkey 
  • Heart Words: or, see, saw, do, did, not, day, play & from 
  • NEW HEART WORDS: look, back, all, make, made & like 
  • Digraphs: /e/ (ee) & (-y), /oi/ (oi) & (oy), /a/ (ai) & (ay) 
  • Blending Words (ee): see, bee, eel, free, feed, seed, queen, green, three 
  • Blending Words (-y): very, happy, windy, body, tricky, funny, sunny 
  • Blending Words (ai): tail, snail, rain, rail, pain, train, nail, main 
  • Blending Words (ay): play, pray, stay, may, way, day, say, spray 
  • Blending Words (oi): boil, oink, voice, joint, coin, soil, point, oil, join, spoil 
  • Blending Words (oy): boy, toy, ploy, enjoy, decoy, destroy, oyster, joy 
  • We began every lesson with a quick game of: rhyming, blending or initial/last sounds 
  • Reading workshop regularly implemented when possible: e.g. morning, fruit snack time etc. 

Children also learned to

  • write cards. We discussed about different cards we can write and the importance of cards. 

In Maths, Students learned about Duration and Sequencing. They enjoyed connecting the topic to their everyday tasks.


In The Arts, children learned that a motif is a few movements joined together. They loved creating their dinosaur dance motif sequencing !


In Health, children learned strategies to keep safe and resilient. We discussed about

  • Say ‘No’ or ‘Stop’.
  • Remember my details.
  • Use my Network.
  • Go to a safe place.
  • Move away.

In Religious Education, we revisited and brainstormed of how we try to be like Jesus. Discussed how we do these things daily and always embody Jesus’ teachings. Children drew a picture of how they have been like Jesus today.

In Science, students identified and described patterns in nature; they also communicated their findings effectively.


Week 4, Term 4 (RCC)

Dear families and children, hello and welcome to our weekly Blog!

This week in English, we learned and reviewed:

  • Poem: Daisy the Snail, The Coin & Donkey and Monkey
  • Heart Words: or, see, saw, do, did, not, day, play & from
  • Digraphs: /e/ (ee) & (-y), /oi/ (oi) & (oy), /a/ (ai) & (ay)
  • Blending Words (ee): see, bee, eel, free, feed, seed, queen, green, three
  • Blending Words (-y): very, happy, windy, body, tricky, funny, sunny
  • Blending Words (ai): tail, snail, rain, rail, pain, train, nail, main
  • Blending Words (ay): play, pray, stay, may, way, day, say, spray
  • Blending Words (oi): boil, oink, voice, joint, coin, soil, point, oil, join, spoil
  • Blending Words (oy): boy, toy, ploy, enjoy, decoy, destroy, oyster, joy
  • Began every lesson with a quick game of: rhyming, blending or initial/last sounds
  • Reading workshop were implemented when possible: e.g. morning, fruit snack time etc.



In Maths, we learned that capacity is measuring how much something can hold, to compare two or more objects based on their Capacity, and to use topic specific language.



In Science, we worked on our Weather Journal. We also learned the importance of observations in scientific inquiry and how observations help us make sense of the world around us.


In HASS, students explored how Places provide our basic Needs.

They also learned that Places have different meanings for different people, and some places have special significance for First Nations Australians.

In Art, We learned different dance moves, most interestingly we learned a Dinosaur dance with some dinosaur-like moves!

In Design and Technology, students explored different types of construction materials to build the longest bridge !


  • Please ensure that your child has ‘Take -home’ folder in their bag.
  • Hat for outdoor play during recess and lunch.

Have a wonderful weekend !

Week 3 (RCC)

Dear families, welcome to our weekly blog!

In English, we learned –

  • Poem: Donkey and Monkey
  • Heart Words: or, see, saw
  • Digraphs: /e/ (ee) &
  • (-y)
  • Blending Words (ee): see, bee, eel, free, feed, seed, queen, green, three
  • Blending Words (-y): very, happy, windy, body, tricky, funny, sunny
  • We started every lesson with a quick game of: rhyming, blending or initial/last sounds
  • Reading workshop were implemented everyday, especially during morning fruit & snack time etc.


In Maths, we learned about- MASS. We used various items to compare the MASS.

– students learned what mass means

-they practiced the process of hefting

-they collected their own data on objects within the classroom.

– they used correct words as they compared a collection of items based on their mass.

– students worked in partners

-they ordered 5 or more logs in the Log park – from lightest to heaviest through the process of hefting

-they labeled the lightest and heaviest log


In Health, students learned about

‘What if…?’ scenarios and practised being assertive.

In Religion,we discussed about – Nature is God’s gift for all to love and enjoy. We also discussed about

  • God creates and loves nature and the universe
  • The beauty and wonder of nature are a reflection of God’s love
  • When someone gives you a gift, it is because they love and care for you.
  • Caring for a gift shows that you are grateful.

‘We have a responsibility to love and care for God’s ongoing gift of nature. (Laudato Si n.14)’

Children then completed a drawing to demonstrate how we care for God’s gift of nature.


In Science, students drew their pictures in their weather journals based on their observations and used symbols from the weather chart to represent the conditions.

Students, watched a video about Diwali and how it is celebrated. They enjoyed creating Diya with clay and used a range of materials to decorate them.


Speck of Gold !

Have a wonderful weekend!


Week 3 in REB

Hello REB families, welcome to our week 3 Blog.

A highlight this week was celebrating Diwali and participating in a Diwali workshop hosted by Miss Mounika.



This week in English we:

-discovered that the diagraphs ‘ee’ and ‘ea’ make the same sound

-worked with partners to piece together poem ‘Beehive’

-used our heart words ‘or’ ‘see’ and ‘saw’ to make and then write sentences

-practiced the process of ‘partner check’ when we finish our books.

-Read ‘The Jigaree’ together in shared reading









In Maths we measured and compared objects based on their Mass





In HASS we read the book ‘Welcome to Country’ and considered why land is so important and special to Indigenous Australians. We represented our thinking through drawings.

In Science we did our first entry in our weather journals. We all agreed that some key words to describe the weather on Tuesday were ‘Sunny’ and ‘warm’.



Week 2 in REB

Hello REB Families, welcome to our week 2 Blog.

This week in English we:

-learnt the heart words day, play and from and constructed sentence using them

-engaged in word investigations with the focus on diagraphs ‘oi’ and ‘oy’

-used sound boards to build CVC words

-read the poem ‘The Coin’ in shared reading

-looked at ways to enhance and edit to our books and gave this a go in bookmaking




In Maths we focused on measuring and comparing the height of objects. This involved:

-comparing produce in the vegetable garden

-working in partners to build the tallest tower

-group investigations and sorting


In Science we discovered that we are scientist when we observe weather. We created our own weather journals which will be produced throughout the term.



In Religion we discussed how prayer can be when we want to share gratitude for something in our life. We prayed in gratitude for our natural world and used this as our inspiration for our paintings.

Dear God,   


Thank you for the trees, the flowers, and the skies so blue.   

Thank you for the animals, and the rivers that flow too.   

Help us to care for nature, to keep it clean and bright,   

So all your gifts can grow and shine, and fill our hearts with light.   





In Health we re-visited the meaning of ‘trust’ and discussed the importance of having people in our life who we trust. We then drew our own trust networks.





-Take home packs have been updated with some try at home work

-Hats are required for the remainder of the year.

Week 2 (RCC)

Dear families and students, welcome to our weekly blog!

This week in English, we learned –

  • Poem: The Coin
  • Heart Words: day, play, from
  • Digraphs: /oy/ (oi) & (oy)
  • Blending Words (oi): boil, oink, voice, joint, coin, soil, point, oil, join, spoil
  • Blending Words (oy): boy, toy, ploy, enjoy, decoy, destroy, oyster, joy
  • Rhyming, blending or initial/last sounds
  • Reading books everyday

In Book Making we are working on –


Focusing on –

  • Ideas – things that happened to us; when I …; the time we…; first time/day…
  • Eg: birthday, holiday, getting haircut, new shoes, playing soccer…
  • Planning – across pages, across hand, with partner
  • Lots of oral story telling
  • Craft illustrations – background details (place, time of day, weather); movement; emotions
  • Layout – double page spread, multiple or single pic on page, words and illustrations separate
  • Craft words – thinking and speech bubbles, big and bold. Repeating word or line.



In Maths, we learned to compare heights of 2 or more objects. Students used language when describing and comparing height. They also enjoyed collecting data from our outdoor environment and represented comparisons through drawings, shared their ideas and justified their thoughts.


In Science, students observed and shared patterns in the natural world, focusing on weather, and recorded their observations in their weather journal.



In Religious Education, we discussed about –

Nature is God’s gift for all to love and enjoy

We started with prayer time – discussed the importance of prayer as being a time to be reverent and respectful. It is our time to sit with God and thank him or ask for support when we need it.


Dear God, 


Thank you for the trees, the flowers, and the skies so blue. 

Thank you for the animals, and the rivers that flow too. 

Help us to care for nature, to keep it clean and bright, 

So all your gifts can grow and shine, and fill our hearts with light. 


We talked about caring for God’s creations includes caring for the animals, people, land and sea, we also talked about ways we can care for and look after all of these things.


In HASS, students learned to sort and record information by creating pictorial maps based on observation from a community walk. They

  1. Created a pictorial map to present information about a familiar place.
  2. Identified different buildings located in our school.
  3. Used terms to indicate why places are special.
  4. Identified different reasons why places are special to them.


In Art, students moved, jumped and danced like animals to the group and their peers guessed what animal they are.


In Design and Technology, students used their prior knowledge of structures and developed an idea of a structure they could make.

They made a really strong stable wall for Humpty Dumpty so he doesn’t have any more accidents!


What a fantastic week we’ve had! You’ve all done so much amazing work and learned so much. Have a wonderful weekend, every one !