Colour Run

Dear Families.

The colour run was such a perfect way to end our term together. It was full of laughter, excitement and lots of energy!



As we draw a close to term 3, I would like to wish you all a safe and happy holiday period.

I look forward to another term filled with learning, fun and new discoveries in term 4!


Week 9 in REB

Dear Families,

it is very hard to believe that we have almost reached the end of another term.

A couple of important events to take note:

-CASUAL DRESS DAY: Wear your footy colours tomorrow and please bring in donation of Bring a brand-new item to donate for hampers (eg. toiletries, kitchen, car, etc).

-COLOUR RUN: next Thursday. If you haven’t already, please consider registering your child (link below) for the chance to receive a prize!

Set up Profile Page

-LAST DAY OF TERM: next Thursday


This week in Maths it was all about shapes! we identified, compared and constructed various 2d shapes.



This week in English we:

-revised all the digraphs learnt so far this term

-produced some final edits for our books in bookmaking

-practiced using descriptive language and drew monsters using descriptive clues.

-engaged with interactive and independent writing




Week 8 RCC Term 3

Dear RCC families and children, welcome to our weekly blog!

This week, in English

we learned Grapheme ‘ng’ and ‘wh’, and the spelling rule.

Children also practiced Blending and Segmenting the words with ‘ng’ and ‘wh’ in it- hang, wing, king, long, sing, thing, stung, string, strong, fishing, ending, when, whip, whisk, which, whizz, whips.

They practiced reading and writing all the heart words along with copying a sentence.

In reading workshop, the learners were engaged with a shared text, they used pointers to read.

It was ensured that the learners become familiar with text.

Intentional teaching focus during Shared reading:

  • What is the title?
  • Who are the characters?
  • Do you like the story? -why
  • Punctuation, capital letters
  • Highlight – crafting techniques – for example speech bubbles, big and bold
  • How does the story make you feel?
  • What information is the book telling us?
  • Predicting rhyme while reading.
  • What happened in the story?
  • Noticing the lay out of the book.

Phonological Awareness:

  • Rhyme- singing and playing with nursery rhymes.
  • Initial and end sounds
  • Blending and segmenting
  • Reviewed learnt letter names and sounds

In Bookmaking, children worked on organisation – Headings, titles. How are headings used in information books.

Page numbers – how this helps the reader to follow the book.

In Maths, we continued Part-Whole Operations. Children used ten frames, and different strategies to do addition, and subtraction.

In Health, we reviewed

  • Identifying basic body parts and how every part of our body is important, and how it’s our job to take care of it.
  • Understand the concept of personal boundaries and the body is private
  • Demonstrating respect for others’ boundaries through discussions and activities.

In religion, we had Assessment – Understanding and Expressing a Bible Story through Artwork.

Hass: Drawing a birds eye view of log park that is accurate and names the features that already exist.

Design: Designing their own nature play area in log park and explaining their reasoning and design ideas.

Arts: Creating a 3D model from their 2D design of a re-imagined nature play area in log park.


Reminder to Students

As the weather is getting warmer, please remember to bring your hats to school. Wearing a hat will help protect you from the sun during outdoor activities, especially during recess and lunch. Let’s stay sun safe!





Week 8 in REB

Hello Families and welcome to our week 8 Blog.

The Moon Lantern festival was our Speck of Gold this week.


In Maths we finished our unit on Part Whole Operations.


In English we focused on the digraphs ‘ng’ and ‘wh’ and engaged with bookmaking and writing workshop.


In science we experimented with materials that have magnetic properties











Week 7, Term 3 (RCC)

Dear families and children , welcome to our weekly blog !

What a fun filled week we had in our classroom!

In English, the children learned new digraphs -‘th’ and ‘ch’, they also read new books to gather information for writing their information books.

In Maths, we practiced addition and subtraction. we used number lines and number bond strategies to work out problems. We explored our outdoor environment to collect natural items to help with our number works.

In Health, we reviewed

  1. Identifying different parts of the body.
  2. Understanding the concept of personal boundaries and body safety
  3. Recognizing safe and unsafe secrets and who to talk to when feeling uncomfortable.

In Religion, we learned about special celebrations in the Catholic faith, such as Christmas, Easter, and understand how the Bible helps us celebrate these events.

In HASS, the children created their drawing, a birds eye view of log park that is accurate and names the features that already exist.









Week 7 in REB

Hello REB families, welcome to our week 7 Blog.

We just finished off our week with our wonderful assembly. We put so much practice and effort into preparing for this and it was wonderful to see our students so proud and confident.

This week in English we:

-focused on the digraph ‘ch’

-tried independent writing for the first time, where we sounded out words and used resources (such as heart word charts and alphabet cards) to construct our sentences

-focused on adding diagrams to our books

-constructed sentences with our new heart words: ‘her, had & be’

-engaged with the poem ‘Rocket ship’ in our shared reading


This week in Maths we used new tools to help us with our addition and subtraction. This included number lines, ten frames and counters.


In Technologies and HASS we designed a nature playground for our existing log park. We considered the existing features and ways to ensure that our playground would be safe and enjoyable.

In Art we decorated our Moon lantern





Week 6 in REB

Hello REB Families, welcome to our week 6 blog.


In English this week we:

-engaged with word investigation games/activities based on the digraphs ‘th’ and ‘sh’

-investigated some topics for information books and began writing our own books that ‘teach’ readers

-constructed sentences using our new and old heart words

-focused on initial sounds



In Maths this week we:

-used number lines to add numbers together

-manipulated MAB blocks to make 2 digit numbers



In HASS this week we drew a map of the log park, taking into consideration its features and why they are important to this specific place.


In science this week we selected appropriate materials to make something that floats. We shared our predictions, observations and summaries as we tested them out.



One of our specks of gold this week was our time spent with our buddies.


