Hello REB families, welcome to the week 3 blog,


This week in English we:

-investigated the letters J and V. This involved ‘in and out’ word sorts, finding and writing words with these letters in books and matching games.

-engaged with a interactive writing workshop, where together we determine and construct a sentence together.

-Use ‘We’re going on a bear Hunt’ for our shared reading text.

-focused on how Mo Williams created emotion for his characters and gave this a go in our own books.



In Maths we:

-introduced a new unit: Number bonds. We participated in Maths rotations we applied the skills of addition and subtraction with collections up to 5.


In HASS we:

-Discussed family and origins and mad your own family trees.


In Science we:

-continued our inquiry into movement with a focus on movement that our bodies make. We represented our thinking through drawings.


In  Religion and Arts we continued to practice for Assembly!



-our Assembly is next Friday at 9:00am. All families are welcome to attend!

-you will find a new unit in your Try at Home packs. These will be updated fortnightly






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