Hello RCC families and children. Welcome to our weekly blog!
This week, in English we read the book: We’re going on a bear hunt.
We learned the Heart word of the week: it
Explored different words with the Letters: J & V
Blending words: jet, jab, jug, jog, job, jump, just
Students used a range of books,materials,resources, puzzles and tools to be engaged in their learning experiences.
In Maths – students were introduced to part-whole operations – gaining insights.
Numbers bonds to 5, Addition and subtraction with materials within 5.
In Art and religion They continued to practice for the assembly.
In technology, students learned how to use the app – sketch school and drew a picture of their choice from the book – The very hungry caterpillar.
Students developed an understanding that the body can move in a variety of ways. They participated in a a group discussion around what type of movements students think they do at recess or lunch time.
Students identified and name the different members of their family.
They also gained the understanding of their family members from the past to the present on a family tree.
Our Assembly is on 24th of May, Friday at 9:00am. All families are welcome to attend!
New unit in your child’s Try at Home packs will be updated fortnightly.