Week 8 RCC Term 3

Dear RCC families and children, welcome to our weekly blog!

This week, in English

we learned Grapheme ‘ng’ and ‘wh’, and the spelling rule.

Children also practiced Blending and Segmenting the words with ‘ng’ and ‘wh’ in it- hang, wing, king, long, sing, thing, stung, string, strong, fishing, ending, when, whip, whisk, which, whizz, whips.

They practiced reading and writing all the heart words along with copying a sentence.

In reading workshop, the learners were engaged with a shared text, they used pointers to read.

It was ensured that the learners become familiar with text.

Intentional teaching focus during Shared reading:

  • What is the title?
  • Who are the characters?
  • Do you like the story? -why
  • Punctuation, capital letters
  • Highlight – crafting techniques – for example speech bubbles, big and bold
  • How does the story make you feel?
  • What information is the book telling us?
  • Predicting rhyme while reading.
  • What happened in the story?
  • Noticing the lay out of the book.

Phonological Awareness:

  • Rhyme- singing and playing with nursery rhymes.
  • Initial and end sounds
  • Blending and segmenting
  • Reviewed learnt letter names and sounds

In Bookmaking, children worked on organisation – Headings, titles. How are headings used in information books.

Page numbers – how this helps the reader to follow the book.

In Maths, we continued Part-Whole Operations. Children used ten frames, and different strategies to do addition, and subtraction.

In Health, we reviewed

  • Identifying basic body parts and how every part of our body is important, and how it’s our job to take care of it.
  • Understand the concept of personal boundaries and the body is private
  • Demonstrating respect for others’ boundaries through discussions and activities.

In religion, we had Assessment – Understanding and Expressing a Bible Story through Artwork.

Hass: Drawing a birds eye view of log park that is accurate and names the features that already exist.

Design: Designing their own nature play area in log park and explaining their reasoning and design ideas.

Arts: Creating a 3D model from their 2D design of a re-imagined nature play area in log park.


Reminder to Students

As the weather is getting warmer, please remember to bring your hats to school. Wearing a hat will help protect you from the sun during outdoor activities, especially during recess and lunch. Let’s stay sun safe!





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