Week 2 (RCC)

Dear families and students, welcome to our weekly blog!

This week in English, we learned –

  • Poem: The Coin
  • Heart Words: day, play, from
  • Digraphs: /oy/ (oi) & (oy)
  • Blending Words (oi): boil, oink, voice, joint, coin, soil, point, oil, join, spoil
  • Blending Words (oy): boy, toy, ploy, enjoy, decoy, destroy, oyster, joy
  • Rhyming, blending or initial/last sounds
  • Reading books everyday

In Book Making we are working on –


Focusing on –

  • Ideas – things that happened to us; when I …; the time we…; first time/day…
  • Eg: birthday, holiday, getting haircut, new shoes, playing soccer…
  • Planning – across pages, across hand, with partner
  • Lots of oral story telling
  • Craft illustrations – background details (place, time of day, weather); movement; emotions
  • Layout – double page spread, multiple or single pic on page, words and illustrations separate
  • Craft words – thinking and speech bubbles, big and bold. Repeating word or line.



In Maths, we learned to compare heights of 2 or more objects. Students used language when describing and comparing height. They also enjoyed collecting data from our outdoor environment and represented comparisons through drawings, shared their ideas and justified their thoughts.


In Science, students observed and shared patterns in the natural world, focusing on weather, and recorded their observations in their weather journal.



In Religious Education, we discussed about –

Nature is God’s gift for all to love and enjoy

We started with prayer time – discussed the importance of prayer as being a time to be reverent and respectful. It is our time to sit with God and thank him or ask for support when we need it.


Dear God, 


Thank you for the trees, the flowers, and the skies so blue. 

Thank you for the animals, and the rivers that flow too. 

Help us to care for nature, to keep it clean and bright, 

So all your gifts can grow and shine, and fill our hearts with light. 


We talked about caring for God’s creations includes caring for the animals, people, land and sea, we also talked about ways we can care for and look after all of these things.


In HASS, students learned to sort and record information by creating pictorial maps based on observation from a community walk. They

  1. Created a pictorial map to present information about a familiar place.
  2. Identified different buildings located in our school.
  3. Used terms to indicate why places are special.
  4. Identified different reasons why places are special to them.


In Art, students moved, jumped and danced like animals to the group and their peers guessed what animal they are.


In Design and Technology, students used their prior knowledge of structures and developed an idea of a structure they could make.

They made a really strong stable wall for Humpty Dumpty so he doesn’t have any more accidents!


What a fantastic week we’ve had! You’ve all done so much amazing work and learned so much. Have a wonderful weekend, every one !

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